
Sunday, February 12, 2017


Barns, old and new
Well kept - freshly roofed and painted.
At least 5 farms in the distance - and on the left top side - The Sisters Mountains.
Worn but still usable.  The smaller barn in to the left is starting to sway a bit.
View from the other side


  1. WOW, the white is pristine! The wide valleys and mountains sure make a wonderful setting for these barns. Thanks JoAnn for stopping by, I hope to see you again soon.

  2. I like that white barn in the first photo. Not something I see here in Kentucky!

  3. How amazing to get the view of those beautiful mountains in the distance! WOW! Enjoy your evening sweet friend. Hugs, Diane

  4. I think you and MB, and Tom live in Barn Heaven...lots of beauties here.

  5. I feel silly, thinking you could see the same Sisters Mtns I do! :-) Well, there are two Vancouvers, too, one in Washington, and one in British Columbia, and at least I've got that straight! :-) I just posted one view of "our" Three Sisterts as well as Mt. Jefferson. Awesome barns...beautiful scenery!


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!