
Monday, February 13, 2017

A Wander About in the Country

We had a nice ride on Saturday - and then this happened.  Sunday morning the sun was out - bright and clear - so how could we not take another ride?  So off we went - travelling the quieter roads, heading north, just to see what we could find.
 A pair of Bald Eagles sitting together near their nest
 Mt. Baker with new snowfall.
 My favorite tree - look closely at the lower left of the tree.
 A Red Tail Hawk sitting on a branch - and some snow still on the ground from last week's snowstorm

 Pussy Willows are beginning to pop - can spring be far behind?

 In some areas there was a lot of snow on the ground - as in these commercial raspberry fields in front of The Sisters (Washington state Sisters, not Oregon Sisters).  We had never seen this magnificent view of the Sisters before - usually we see them from 15 miles south of Bellingham, and this is about 15 miles north.
 Trumpeter Swans were everywhere - flying, flapping and feeding

Swans in a muddy corn field - great reflections 
 click all photos to enlarge

Collages made at and


  1. Of course you had to take a drive in that glorious sunshine through that glorious countryside. You do live in a spectacular part of the world, JoAnn. Oh my, those "Sisters" look majestic; how breathtaking they look covered in snow. As ever you have captured the most beautiful photos of the beauty in your part of the world. It looks as if Spring might just be around the corner for you.

  2. Fabulous photos as always. Wonderful close ups of the pussy willow.

  3. Awesome photos, those reflections. But also love the pussy willow and that is a wonderful tree!

  4. ...thanks for the tour, let's do it again.

  5. The best thing about seeing those wonderful scenes from a car is that you don't have to hike around with heavy camera lenses. Saturday I drove in an 8-hour parking lot and wished I had had a camera along ... Mt Fuji and plum trees flowering on the hill sides.

  6. You live in such a beautiful place, the scenery is breathtaking, of course you had to take a drive to see the 3 Sisters. Love the swans and your clever mosaics, thanks for bringing this wonderful corner of the world to Mosaic Monday this week.

  7. JoAnn, If the sun is shining it is a good reason to get outside. I loved the pussy willows. Great bird shots. Thanks for sharing. Sylvia D.

  8. Lovely to get out and about with you and see what is happening in your part of the world!

  9. Gorgeous photos on a really lovely day. Oh, the pussy willows - such a welcome sight that I remember from growing up much further north. Happy Valentine's Day, JoAnn.

  10. I love the pussy willows when the start to pop open. Spring can not be far behind. The Red Tail Hawk is an amazing sight sitting on the stark skeletal branch of that fabulous tree that is so beautifully framed by the gorgeous blue sky.....


  11. Wasn't the sunshine wonderful after all the storms. It also helped melt some of the snow that we didn't get shoveled off the deck, and melted more of the roof's collection. - Margy

  12. Hello, what a wonderful drive. The mountain views are stunning. I love the swans too. Great sighting of the hawk and eagles. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!


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