
Friday, October 21, 2016

The Snow Geese Are Back!

The Snow Geese overwinter in Skagit Valley - just south of us.  We've never seen them this early.  Don decided he wanted to go check and see if they were here for the winter.  I doubted that they would be - but it is a fun adventure - so we set off after he got off work early.  Down to Fir Island - about 20 miles south of us - we decided to take the back route and drove along the dike next to the river.

We heard something.  Geese?  Snow Geese?  So far away sounding - probably not.  Continue around the dike - some farmers out in the rain trying to drain water off their potato fields so they can harvest - no Snow Geese.  Drive farther - I'm sure I hear Snow Geese - they sound like they are in the sky.  Nothing yet.  On past the dike - onto the main road - still I hear the geese.  Still I don't see them.  Closer - I hear them coming closer - the sky is grey and cloudy - spitting rain - no Snow Geese.

I can hear them - I can I can - and then - and then - and then

 Flocks and flocks of Snow Geese - coming in from the north - they are here!!!!
 Settling into the harvested corn fields - rest at last.

 Here they come - flooding in from the north - some flapping their wings slowly - are they tired?  Down they drift.  They come in flocks - one large flock after another.

 The noise is deafening as more and more flocks come in

The first Snow Geese of the season - and we were there to watch them landing. What a thrill.


  1. OH how wonderful! I would love to experience this in real life! Your photos really brought it to life for me!

  2. Hello!:) What a beautiful and amazing sight, and gorgeous photos of the Snow geese.:)

  3. Hello, JoAnn! It is a beautiful sight to see the large flocks of Snow Geese. Wonderful captures of them landing. I love the first shot, great closeup. Great series of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, have a happy weekend!

  4. What an amazing spectacle. How lucky you were there to witness the beauty of all those snow geese!. Gorgeous photos, JoAnn!

  5. Wow. Just "wow!" This is a glimpse of the beauty of nature at its very finest! I imagine it was thrilling to actually be there and hear the rush of wings and deafening honks!

  6. WOW!!!! How extraordinary!!!!

    It's going to br s tough winter after a very very hot horrible summer.

    The plants and birds don't know what to do - one day it's 50, then next day it is 80 again. Weird. Just weird.

    Your snow geese post is absolutely amazing. TYSM for sharing it- now we all get to see that amazing sight. If it ever happens again maybe you can also take a little video - would love to hear how it sounds!

  7. Whow ... an amazing sight. You are blessed to be able to witness this annual spectacle.

  8. WOW!! What a thrill indeed. You got some amazing photos of the snow geese arriving.

  9. What an absolutely fantastic thrill! You were so right to trust you instincts. And the photos are W0WEE!!!

  10. What an amazing experience to see the snow geese arrive. It is early, isn`t it? I wonder if that means an early winter up north? We'll have to wait and see.

  11. You got some amazing shots of the geese, and I love your pumpkin header!

  12. Great photos, JoAnn. I had never seen a snow goose until moving to east/central Kansas. Now I look forward to seeing huge flocks during the winter...they have to compete with the Canadian geese that live here year round! They seem to like the corn and soy bean fields.
    Have a great week.

  13. What a thrill it must be for you to be able to watch Nature's Drama play out before your very own eyes. And it is a thrill for me to be able to witness the dramatic return of these amazing birds to their Winter home through your eyes. Thank you!!


  14. How awesome to see! I love the sound of the geese flying over and so beautiful to see way up in the sky in perfect formation!

  15. What an amazing thing this must be to see! This is so amazing! I'm glad your persistence was rewarded (and we get to share the pictures). Glorious! Thank you!

  16. I have seen snow geese just once in my lifetime and it was such a treat.

  17. Talk about perfect timing! You guys are living right.... this takes my breath away. Just amazing.

  18. I remember the years we lived along a flyway. Not geese, but I remember my little daughter looking out the window saying, "Look, Mom, it's raining birds".


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