
Monday, August 29, 2016

Tuesday's Treasures

My view, sitting on the deck
 A little grove of trees behind geraniums
 Nothing but blue sky and bright green leaves
 Hot pink geranium - a gift from our daughter and her family for Mother's Day
 A sweet volunteer larkspur - the woods across the street make a nice background
 One of my favorite views from the deck
I'm surrounded by treasures!!


  1. Love your views from the deck. I have a whole bunch of voluntary Larkspur all around the house even in some pots. Very weird.

  2. Lovely!!

    Have a great day!


  3. JoAnn, your view is a lovely view! Being surrounded by nature is indeed a treasure, Enjoy it each and every day. Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you back again soon.

  4. Green leaves and blue skies are a great combination.

  5. You are surrounded by treasures, aren't you. Pretty flowers, green trees and a blue, blue sky; it doesn't get much better than that. What a pretty view you have from your deck.

  6. I can see why you enjoy the view. And this time of year is perfect for lingering in lovely places.

  7. My geraniums had a crisis last month and I am starting over with cuttings. However, the gardenias must be confused because they have had buds all summer and have burst into bloom as of yesterday. I always love your nature pictures.

  8. I love geraniums. I have two repurposed BBQ planters full of them. This year I could only get red ones at the nursery, but that's still a bright spot on the cabin deck. - Margy


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!