
Monday, July 11, 2016



  1. Those hummers are beautiful! I see Blogger is doing the same thing to your blog as mine -- putting double space between everything! I hope they fix that soon.

  2. Those are great photos especially the second one. I tried in vain to take photos of them when visiting my aunt in Canada many years ago so I know how hard it is.

  3. Hummingbirds are a great source of fun entertainment during the summer months. I love the way they soar up in loops while they are courting. Do they come up to you when you are outside? It seems like they know who is providing the nectar and want to come over to thank you.

  4. You took some amazing photos! I usually just get a blur. We've seen a hummer visiting our petunias this week! They are fun to watch. Enjoy your week my friend. Sending you some sunny hugs, Diane

  5. wow, such wondrous shots! bravo!

  6. Aren't they just the most amazing wee creatures? Your photos are wonderful!

  7. Beautiful photos! My husband has a feeder and we both really enjoy watching the little guys flitter all over. Perfect entertainment for the cats, too! They block our view on the window sills! I was surprised at how many different colors the hummers come in!

  8. Your magical lens, JoAnn, reveal astonishing photos of beauty and your Hummingbird is no exception. It is always a delight to visit you each time and see what those lens of yours have gloriously captured!

  9. Fantastic photos. Who doesn't love hummingbirds.
    We fed some when we were visiting Canada and I'll not forget their incredible speed and agility.
    Thank you for sharing. Have a great week

  10. Every day I walk past countless flowers those birds would just love ... and no hummers in Japan. I sure do miss them.

  11. Oh my JoAnn, your hummingbird pictures are amazing. I can never get any image of them they are so fast. How sweet!

  12. The are such a delight to have around.

  13. I see you are having hummingbird feeder fun too. My birds have dwindled down to a few. They must be migrating on to somewhere else. - Margy

  14. This years Hummingbird babies are getting very adventuresome. They are practicing their flying skills, it's kind of like watching the Blue Angels doing their practice maneuvers over Labor Day weekend down by the lake.

  15. You got some great shots of those little guys. I need to put some more juice out. So I can try to catch a few shots of ours again.

  16. How marvellous! Your pictures are terrific! What a joy it must be when the hummingbirds arrive in your garden.


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