
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Wednesday Wee Ones

I have something new today - you want to ride on my scooter?

 Watch me go like the wind
 Do you want to go camping with me?  Come on over.
 Away we go!!!
 I have a new wagon too - I like red!
 Let's load up the wagon 

 We'll go over to the stables - maybe pony is there. 
 I'm ready for pony with a bucket full of oats 

 Hello pony!!
 A bucket of oats for pony
Thanks for coming by - do come again - we'll load up the wagon with all sorts of fun stuff.

Do visit Diane for more doll fun
Another new friend - Danice - has a darling doll to show today.


  1. Hi JoAnn! Oh, how sweet. I love your little scooter and wagon! Where did you find those? Now the question is, is that a little boy doll or a little girl with a short hair cut? Love the little outfit too. I'm joining Diane today so pop over to see Babbette's outfit!
    Hope you're doing well.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Oh Donnie is having such fun with a cute new scooter and wagon. But you know what I have to ask...what is your background! Spill the beans girlfriend. What did you do? It's GREAT! And you know my girls will all want to know why the boys have all the fun! Enjoy your day sweet lady. Lots of dollie hugs, Diane

  3. What a wonderful post today. I would love to come over an play with you.

  4. Wow what fun! Camping and a new scooter and a wagon and a pail---OMG I want to go camping too. LOL

  5. JoAnn, I haven't seen the "kids" recently. Donnie looks so dapper in his play clothes and is having fun scooting around. I am envious of him, and wish I was camping!!..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  6. I don't think that could be any cuter!!

  7. Donnie's impatient for summer. I hope he's warm enough in his tent!

  8. Those props are getting more and more realistic. That doll is having plenty of fun.

  9. How cute! I felt like I was right there with Donnie in a warm, sunlit farm yard! His new toys are darling! What fun!

  10. This is the cutest thing I have seen. I love that scooter so much. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  11. Such a cute way to display your doll. Looks like her ready to scoot away. - Margy

  12. Sorry to be so late visiting. I have been able to see your posts but not to leave comments. Donnie looks like he is having a whale of a good time playing with his new toys. The scooter looks like one my brothers and I had when we were kids. Such fun going down the hill by our house, but not as much going up that hill. The backdrops look great for the outdoorsy pictures of the wee ones. Hugs, Candy


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!