
Saturday, March 19, 2016

Spring Clean-up In the Garden

We've had some lovely weather lately and today we headed to the garden center to see what kind of pretties we could discover.

I had a hard time deciding - but finally chose a dozen yellow pansies - a pot of pink carnations - and 2 big pots of saxifraga.  It is a fairly new-to-me plant - I'd not seen it at the garden center before. 

Saxafrag is one of the family of rockfoils. The Latin word saxifraga means literally "stone-breaker" in latin.  I think I'll have these pretty plants again.  The flowers turn a lighter shade as they open fully.
 Pansies in their new home - they will overflow these planters soon.

After we got home from the garden center we did spring clean-up - the sun wasn't as bright as the last few days - but it was pleasantly warm-ish (about 60 degrees) and before our garden work we ate lunch on the deck.
 Don cleaned out the bed in front of the house - there are lots of Forget-me-nots and Foxglove that have volunteered there.  (no photos yet - they are not in bloom)
 I cleaned up the pots on the deck - removing the moss that loves to sneak into the pots during the winter.  The hyacinth bulbs are blooming and the scent was amazing.
 Add to that the spicy scent of carnations - heaven!

What is blooming in your yard this week?  Spring starts tomorrow - hurray!


  1. Oh! Hyacinths and carnations. You're so right. That must truly be heaven!

  2. Such wonderful flowers! The saxifrage looks really pretty.
    Have a happy and sunlit Sunday and a lovely spring! :)

  3. Lovely carnations and hyacinths. Cute tiny violas... Have a sunny Easter!

  4. I'm grateful for anything at this stage in my Garden JoAnn!
    Your is bursting with the joys of Spring.
    I must note down the Saxifraga for planting in my Spring in NZ - it's so pretty.
    I'm a big fan of the clove carnations too - that perfume is delicious!
    I have masses of hydranges and can pick buckets!

  5. My goodness all those Soring flowers so colourful and cheerful indeed

  6. Well done on your clear up. You are further on than I am! It looks lovely especially with the new additions. I think you will be pleased with your saxifrage.

  7. We still have snowdrops out - since January - and also primroses, daffodils, and hellebores.

  8. Hello, your new flowers are lovely. I like the pretty pinks. Gorgeous images. We only have the daffies blooming here now.
    Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  9. Oh so pretty! I don't have any blooms yet but soon! Happy first day of Spring!

  10. You picked a nice blend of gorgeous bright colours!

  11. The air is wonderful at this time of year, isn't it? Up here I smell hyacinths and early cherry blossoms as I walk through the neighbourhood. It's intoxicating!

  12. Beautiful sunlit photos!

  13. Love the garden pics. We are filling up our greenhouse with seed starts. Kinds fun well I like watching everything coming up. All our Primroses are blooming in the front yard. really nice. I bought some new ones and they are already pooped out but the oldies are goodies. My Bleeding heart are blooming and winter pansies are going full bore. daffs and tulips are blooming too. everything looks really nice. My pink Hellebores are huge this year. All in all I think the front yard looks very good.

  14. I love seeing the spring flowers in the garden centers. Just seeing your beautiful pictures has me dreaming about warmer spring days.I can see some of the Saxifraga stone-breaker in my fairy garden this year. I wonder if it will be available in our area.

    I am no longer able to bend down or able to get up if I sit down on the ground in order to plant in the ground. So I now have to be content with my container gardens which is good because I love them.
    Hugs..... Candy

  15. Beautiful blossoms in a warm spring welcome!
    We had a few daffodil buds, but then the weather turned nasty again and we're expecting snow tomorrow. That will probably be the end of those - sadly!

  16. Very pretty. I had some tulip leaves popping up, but then the weather turned and some ice came along. Pansies will be the first thing I pick up, sometime later in April.


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