
Monday, March 7, 2016

Mosaic Monday - Daffodils and Snow Geese

Snow Geese overwinter here in NW Washington by the thousands. Flocks move around the county and we feel fortunate when we come upon the massive flocks.

Daffodils are grown in this area too - thousands and thousands of them.  A few for cut flowers, but most of them are grown for the bulbs, sold around the world. 

Put the two together - and you have magic.

please click photos to enlarge and get the 
full effect of the Snow Geese flying
 King Alfred Daffodils - the largest daffodil grown
 We found a field of daffodils with a line of Snow Geese behind the daffodils.  Parking off the road we waited - and waited 
 And then the flock of approximately 30,000 to 40,000 Snow Geese rose from behind the daffodils
 What makes the flock rise up?  Perhaps it is this Bald Eagle on a fence post.  I didn't see the eagle until I loaded the photos on the laptop - and there it was.  
 The Snow Geese rise up in waves
 The Bald Eagle waits patiently

 The sound of thousands of Snow Geese is unbelievable - you can almost feel the sound as they whirl about.
 We drove down to another road behind the snow geese - and again they lifted off by the thousands

 The daffodil fields stretch for miles - glistening in the spring sunshine - the scent is heavenly
 Back again to the Daffodil Field and what luck - the Snow Geese fly up again

A glorious early spring day - temperatures in the mid 60s - bright sunshine - Daffodils in full bloom - Snow Geese - magic, pure magic!!


  1. Wow, what could be better than Snow Geese and Daffodils together. Beautiful captures. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  2. What an amazing geese show! And the daffodils field is such a perfect setting!

  3. OMG, that must have been an awesome sight, the flocks around here are tiny compared to those! I wonder if it was that eagle that set them off?
    You are so lucky to live where you can see these events most years, JoAnn.
    Thank you so much for sharing your blog with us.


  4. Gorgeous shots of spring in your corner of the west. The snow geese are amazing - I'll never forget the first time I saw them. I couldn't believe my eyes.
    Enjoy those gorgeous daffodils!

  5. Stunning shots! I've never seen so many daffodils!

  6. You captured the essence of the geese beautifully.

  7. stunning shots of daffodils- they are such a cheerful flower! shades of Hitchcock's "The Birds!" Was it darker below when they rose up like that?

  8. I'm echoing what others have said. Stunning shots. The field of daffodils is amazing!

  9. Hello! The fields of daffodils are mesmerising & the shot of the geese flying over is really special!
    Wonderful images! Thanks for sharing

  10. That's a lot of Snow Geese. We drove along Chuckanut Drive today but didn't see any wintering birds in the fields. - Margy

  11. This whole post is just breathe-taking. Oh my. And the daffodils are stunning. Stunning.

  12. My husband and I have both enjoyed your photos tonight. It's just hard to imagine that much beauty...altogether! The snow geese are amazing and what a scene with the daffodils! Love the capture of the eagle too! WOW...that's all I can say! Hugs dear friend, Diane

  13. Amaing combination of geese and daffodils!

  14. You're right! It's truly magic! How wonderful to see all this through your pictures! Thank you!

  15. So many Snow Geese and the yellow of the Daffs gorgeous

  16. That really is something else and I was just wondering about the noise when you mentioned it. Thank also for answering my question about the bulbs.

  17. Geese and daffodils, I had no idea! They make a wonderful photo combination don't they! xx

  18. Now that is a sight to behold with all the daffodils and snow geese in the air - great captures!
    One of the coveted prizes at our spring garden club flower competition is the King Alfred Daffodil Trophy.

  19. Wow -- I have never seen a field of daffodils. And those images of the birds. What an amazing post!

  20. Pure majesty! Absolutely stunning! It must be an incredible feeling to actually be there and hear the sounds and see that mass of whiteness rise up together!

  21. Magic indeed. Daffodils make me so happy! Even in pictures, which is the only way I see them nowadays. Thanks for the wonder and the memories.


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