
Saturday, February 6, 2016

Bald Eagle

This is the best time of the year to see Bald Eagles in our area.  It is nesting  season and so  they  stay close to  their  nests.   This  eagle was  watching a field full  of Snow  Geese  -  I think it was looking for lunch. 

It was a windy day and the eagle was often caught off balance in the wind

Trying to stay on the treetop


  1. Hello JoAnn, awesome shots of the Eagles. They look so majestic! I am always enjoy seeing them too. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  2. It sure is fun checking out the Eagles

  3. It's always a thrill to see an eagle. Your shots are great - especially the one with the wings outstretched. The power of the eagle has to be seen to be believed!

  4. Glorious, majestic,.........beautiful!!!

  5. Amazing birds and wonderful shots JoAnn.
    Windy conditions your way, we've also had some gusts and a lot of rain lately. Although I love Winter I must say Springtime will also be a happy feeling when we can enjoy getting out and about in lighter clothing sans hefty waterproof boots!
    Happy weekend - will you be out with your camera? Hope so.
    Hugs - Mary

  6. Excellent shots of the eagle. They are getting more common when I live but it's always a real thrill to see one.

  7. Gorgeous shots! What an exciting sighting! You've made me think I need to get out and search for nesting eagles around here.

  8. Gorgeous photos, JoAnn! How wonderful to get to see them often!

  9. Wow! In my area, Bald Eagles not easily seen..I like him ( or her)!

  10. I can't add much more than I posted in my previous comment at Hootin' Anni----------

    ...thanks for sharing this link at I'd Rather B Birdin' this weekend!!! Happy week ahead for you!! Exceptional images.

  11. What majestic birds these are! I love your photos.

  12. The wild bird in my view is a Japanese white-eye ... about as tiny and wimpy as the eagle is bold and impressive.
    I set a glass of juice out on the garden wall and though they have managed to drink it to the bottom by night time, I have yet to catch them with my camera.

  13. If I ever came upon an eagle - just ONE eagle - like that one, it would be an unforgettable experience. You find them all the time with your "eagle eyes!"

  14. Hello JoAnn!:) How wonderful that you see these imposing raptors in your vicinity.Fabulous shots!:)

  15. Great shot of the Eagle
    I hope get a chance at ours at the farm. My husband was up there today but
    no sign of them. Darn


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