
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Weekly Top Shot

It is so nice to have Madge back with us in blogland - and hosting Weekly Top Shot - one of my favorites.
 The ducks are coming back for the winter - these Hooded Mergansers were in a local pond.


  1. So neat to see hooded mergansers! It seems like I only ever see mallards...maybe I need to look more carefully.

  2. We only have Common Mergansers at the cabin. The males are distinctive with black and white, but I like the females with the crested brown heads. - Margy

  3. What a handsome pair. I heard the swans are beginning to arrive up North but our city ponds are still holding out hope.

  4. Gorgeous aren't they? Thank you for coming by to share on Weekly Top Shot after such a long pause on my part...

  5. They just mind their own business, don't they? I think they don't realize how beautiful they look together!


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!