
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Saturday's Critters

Critters this week
 There are a lot of deer in our neighborhood - these were down the street from our house - enjoying the fresh green grass after all the rain we've had lately

 And the over-wintering ducks are migrating in.  These were in a slough in Birch Bay State Park

 American Widgeon and Mallard
 Hooded Mergansers - notice how the white on the side of his head makes a square reflection in the water.

 Female and male Widgeon and female Mallard
 Above the ducks, in a dead tree, was a Great Blue Heron
 The way the twigs are sitting it looks like the heron is using a crutch
 Hey - what are all you ducks doing down there?  You'd better be glad I'm not a Bald Eagle

 Out on the shore of Drayton Harbor we saw this Great Blue Heron - looking for lunch
Flying off with his companion - a male Widgeon.  I didn 't notice the duck until I got the photos off the camera.


  1. Great finds all! I get envious every time you post a great blue heron shot. And now I'm kind of envious about the diversity of your ducks, too.
    We seem surrounded by deer these days. The ones that have lived in the recreation area across the street are crossing the road into the residential area. (It doesn't help that our neighbors are feeding them.)

  2. We see more deer in town than in the bush up here. The heron that lives in the bay behind us flew over again this week, but he didn't stop for a picture. - Margy

  3. When we stayed in Banff many years ago there were deer wandering around peoples' gardens - it was lovely to see. Here deer comeinto our fields but are far too nervous to come anywhere near.

  4. Hello JoAnn, wonderful collection of birds. The Wigeon are one of my favorites. I love the deeer too, they are so sweet. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  5. You have some wonderful critters here...fantastic shot of the Great Blue Heron.

    I think the deer looks half starved...did you think that, too?

  6. Our son has deer who have apparently moved into their back yard - they're such beautiful, gentle-looking animals!

  7. Especially beautiful pictures of the deer! xx

  8. I'm getting caught up here after nearly a week in bed with a bad cold. I still have the sore throat - yuck! But coming here to see what's new was one of the rewards I saved for myself! I love the Great Blue Heron!


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