
Sunday, November 29, 2015

Fun Friday Favorites

A little late - but still favorites.
 Horses running - what could be better?  How about horses running and Trumpeter Swans in the field behind them?  Some day I hope to see wild horses running free.

 An interesting apple orchard
 The trees have been trained with curves in the trunks, and espaliered along wires to make picking easier

 Multi-purpose farm stand - though no one was selling anything on this chilly autumn day
 Crabapple tree with a barn behind
The sun lit up a few of the branches 
 And what would be a post about favorites without some pictures of Mt. Baker?


  1. Love all your photos. Mt. Baker is always spectacular on a clear day and you got a terrific shot. Those apples trees are something too. I've never seen them with curved trunks like that. Have a wonderful week.

  2. Captured! A peaceful autumn day in the lovely northwest!

  3. I am always amazed at the mountain! WOW! And I love the horses running and all the neat barns in the previous post. You are a wonderful photographer my friend. Have a good week ahead. Sweet hugs, Diane

  4. The horses sure have on their winter coats. We are heading north to Bellingham from LA and it is COLD! - Margy

  5. Those horses have their winter furry coats on.
    I've never seen an orchard with espaliered trees. It's kind of interesting to see, isn't it?
    Baker's looking nicely snowy!

  6. Wonderful photo's for your Friday Favourites...btw..thank you so much for Linking up with Cath@Home for the appreciate your support! Wow, that mountain is impressive and doesn't it look amazing with the snowy tops! Hope you will visit me again.

  7. I love that farm stand photo...


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