
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Pairs in B&W Wednesday

Photos subtly change when they are in  B&W.  Details appear to pop out that were obscured by the colors.  I sometimes close my eyes and think about memories in B&W - gives me a different perspective on what I am remembering.   Do you do that too?
 A pair of old barns
 A pair of horses taking tourists for a ride in Birch Bay State Park
 A pair of matching doorways
 A pair of silly tin men - wonder if they bang on the windows when they want to come in out of the weather?
And another pair of horses 


  1. Very creative theme and beautiful photography!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  2. Lots of great pairs. I agree black and white can really change a picture.

  3. These are beautiful black and white conversions! The light on the horses is really special.

  4. beautiful in black and white...lovely horses and old barns

  5. Love the barns and the tin men are fun.

  6. These are all nice black and white shots. I especially like the barns.

  7. It is amazing how you see the textures so much more in black and white isn't it. xx

  8. love all the horses - great idea to convert them all to B&W

  9. Wow. I love them all! And I enjoy seeing black and white photos. My own childhood pictures are all like that, of course! That's what made me understand, as a child, that people did not live in a world of black and white and grey in "the old days." I was there and can testify we had colors!

  10. I love this post! The photos are fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing. :)

  11. The black and white gives the photos an old look. I like it. I used to develop black and white film the old way with chemicals. To me it was like painting with tones and contrast. - Margy

  12. I never thought about thinking in B& no, don't do that. But I do love B&W photography. Used to always keep one camera with B&W film in it.


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