
Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Barn Collective

It has been so parched and dry here on the "wet" side of Washington this summer.  We've now had well over 4 inches of rain in about a week and things are already getting greener, so I thought, after all the brown fields by the barns recently, I'd show some with the more normal green fields of Washington.
 A favorite - viewed from the freeway so these are drive-by shots
 It is so good to see the green returning to Western Washington

 And a farm with a green and white barn, right next door to the red farm

And a little red barn - sitting in a wonderful green field.


  1. Nice to see the green return thee. It has been green all summer here. Very wet. Usually by now the grass is brown but not this year.

  2. Beautiful shots, JoAnn. Glad that you got rain...we are still very green, which is quite unusual for this time of year in E/Central Kansas.
    Have a nice week.

  3. All the fresh green makes the red (barns) sing!

  4. Glad you are getting some rain...I always hate hearing of placing going so long without it. Beautiful barn shots...

  5. It's amazing and wonderful to see how quickly things are greening up after all the rain. Your barns are always fun to see, and there's nothing like a red barn for picturesque-ness.

  6. Lovely pictures, glad you are having some much needed rain. I love September!

  7. JoAnn, what a great collection of barns! All you need to do is find a blue one and you'll be all set for July 4th. Thanks so much for linking ip this week, I hope that you will return again. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  8. These a great looking barns. And isn't it nice to see the green coming back so fast? I enjoyed the great weather we had this summer (well, some of the hot days weren't my favorite) but was surprised how relieved I was when we started getting rain. It's warmer today but one night recently it even got down to 38 degrees!

  9. Isn't it amazing how all those brown lawns from the water restriction days almost turned green overnight? Even the moss on our cliff went from yellow to green overnight. - Margy

  10. Beautiful shots! There's nothing like a red barn, is there?


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