
Monday, September 7, 2015

Mosaic Monday - A Couple of Birds

 The young Stellar's Jay was enjoying the water in a plant saucer on our deck - I wonder if his mama likes his punk "hairdo"?  I think he's cute.
This charming young man was taking his parrot for a walk.  He stopped by a park and was talking to a lady.  I asked if we could have photos and he said we could.  The parrot was very calm even with traffic and pedestrians going by.  The young man had rehabbed the parrot and was now taking care of him until they find him a permanent home.

Mosaics are made at - love the different shapes.


  1. That parrot is amazing! That's something you don't see every day at the park. How nice to get photos. Love your jay too! Have a wonderful day! Hugs to you AND hubby today, Diane

  2. Hi JoAnn!
    Thanks for sharing those photos and your adventure in the park with the young man and the parrot. I hope he will find a nice new home for this lovely bird.
    Take care,

  3. Hello, I love your Jay and the parrot. I've never seen anyone take their bird for a walk. Beautiful birds and mosaics! Have a happy day and new week ahead!

  4. How nice to find a young man so caring about a bird. Love that jay's hairdo.

  5. The baby stellar is adorable and who would imagine meeting a guy taking his parrot for a walk!
    Thanks for joining Mosaic Monday JoAnn.

  6. I love the punk hairdo on the young bird...wonderful mosaic.

  7. What a great looking parrot. The stellar's jay is a pretty bird. I always enjoy seeing them.

  8. Great photos, what a nice young man he must be to take in the parrot and care for it. Maybe he'll decide to keep it - I hope so anyway. Rehoming a parrot can't be easy!

  9. You come across the most interesting things! What a beautiful parrot. I'd be afraid to take him out like that, though!

  10. How great that the parrot is being cared for and will be found a new and loving home! xx

  11. Well that parrot would be a different one for Rinda's photo hunt! Come t o think of it I once work with a chap who told me that he took his snakes for walks. I never knew if he was kidding. Lovely mosaic by the way.

  12. I don't see as many jays in Washington as I saw in California. They were so common there. And I wouldn't say that parrot is common anywhere. How nice that it's getting a second chance!

  13. We have many stellar and blue jays in our area. They can be pretty bold at times when food is around. I don't think I've ever seen a jay as young as the one in your photo though. Cute little "hairdo." Glad the parrot found a forever home.

  14. Jays are such smart birds. I once saw one pick up a stick to get a bug out of a hole in a tree. - Margy


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