
Friday, September 25, 2015

Five on Willy Nilly Friday - Anniversary

Friday fun again - and today is a very special Friday.  It is our 51st anniversary.  We have fun surprises planned for each other (I've seen gift bags going in and out lately) and dinner at a nice steak house.

1. The leaves are beginning to change color - soon the trees behind this Vine Maple will be bright yellow.  We get glorious autumn colors here in the Pacific Northwest
 2. A funny sign.  No - not acupuncture for little hamsters - the residents of Bellingham are called Bellinghamsters - clever use of that for a business name.
 3. Some critters - I really  enjoy finding critters to photograph (bet you didn't know that about me)
 A Cormorant sitting on a piling by the ferry dock on Lummi Island.  The noise of the ferry didn't seem to disturb it in the least. The feather pattern is beautiful.
 A Great Blue Heron surf fishing in Birch Bay
And a nice spotty horse
And what kind of critter is this?  A light up christmas pig high in a tree in the summer?  Merry Oinkmas!

4. The last of the summer nasturtiums in the morning light

 5. And a beaver lodge in a small local lake.  One time we were lucky enough to see A Great Blue Heron perched on the beaver lodge
 6. And just because it is our anniversary I'll add a 6th item.  This is us 51 years ago today.


  1. Happy anniversary, wishing you many more happy years together. Loved the Christmas pig, it made me smile.

  2. Happy Happy Anniversary!! 1964 was such a tumultuous year. The civil rights movement. The woman's movement. Gloria Stienham came on the scene. Dr. King and Selma. I was just starting High School. So much has changed since then.

  3. A fun post to read today. Great photos.

    Wishing you a very happy anniversary!

  4. Happy Anniversary! Have fun today and may you make some more special memories!

    Loved your explanation of "Bellinghamsters" -- so funny!

  5. Happy Anniversary! - Hope it's a fun filled day of celebrating your love.
    1. Oh yes the PNW has awesome fall colors. - They are starting to turn here in my neck of the state.
    2. - That is cute and clever.
    3. No I would never have guessed that about you (just kidding) but your critters are great. Hmmm a Christmas Pig in a the air no less...that is just weird.
    4. Very pretty.
    5. That's a big Beaver Lodge and neat to see.

  6. Five great things! Number two is my favourite, closely followed of course by number six! Happy Anniversary! Here's to many more great years of marriage to come! Thank you for joining Five On Friday. I hope that you have a great weekend! xx

  7. Happy Anniversary to two lovely people who were meant for each other!
    Enjoyed your pictures today - especially the spotted horse!
    Please let us know what was inside those gift bags that came marching in and out of the house lately!

  8. Oh, Happy Anniversary!!!

    Love your randomness...that nasturtium is is the cormorant.

  9. Happy anniversary to you and yours! I love the flying pig.

  10. Anniversary blessings, and many more. I have heard the expression, "a pig on a poke". I wonder if that is what it means. #1 son just celebrated his 4th anniversary far from home, still fighting those forest fires in Washington.

  11. A very HaPpY AnNiVeRsArY,
    Letters Unfolded

  12. Happy, happy anniversary - and many more! I love your wedding photo!
    Great shots! I especially like that cormorant. You're right: the feather pattern is very beautiful.

  13. Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby! Great post. I love all the birds and wonderful photos. Happy weekend!

  14. Belated Happy Anniversary! Love the photo of the two of you taken all those years ago. How great to go through life together. I always love your critter photos and the blue herons are my favorites. Have a lovely weekend.

  15. Hello - I just popped over from Amy's blog - happy anniversary I was born in 1964. Joan at

  16. A great selection of photos for Five on Friday. The best is you and your hubby - my goodness 51 years JoAnn, a very happy anniversary to you both!

  17. Happy Anniversary! Wayne and I are on a second marriage so we are only coming up on the mid 40a. - Margy

  18. I loved seeing your photos of the beautiful pacific Northwest. I wish you a very Happy Anniversary!

  19. A lovely set of photos. Lovely birds. I like the pig. Wonderful autumn colours. Great picture of yourselves. Happy Anniversary to you both!

  20. Man oh man, some neat stuff here!!!

  21. happy anniversary!! that is wonderful! we just made 30 this year but 51 is incredible!! love the photos and that santa pig made me laugh!! thanks for linking :)


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