
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

September Scavenger Hunt

September Scavenger Hunt - what fun we'll have


Crab Pots - the sides are woven together to keep the crabs in


Seagulls feeding


Abigail's hair is very curly

Adventures in mail - riding the airmail plane
Adventuring in the San Juan Islands off NW Washington on the ferry


Line of mailboxes in Birch Bay

Heron - mesmerized by the little fishes in the surf

A triangle of corn


It was a long day waiting for the full moon to rise

12.Whatever You Want
September Scavenger Hunt


Let's see some pairs for Helena's meme
 Pairs of pumpkins in pairs of wagons
Time to gather our pumpkins and get ready for Halloween.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Autumn Tea

Autumn is here I want to share a tea with you - and roses
We start with roses
A friend gave me this pretty miniature rose.
Just the perfect color to go with my Sears Cattail tea set

This dish set was made in in the early 1940s; the teapot sold for $2.98 and a cup and saucer was fifty cents

Let's have some Fresh Apple Cake with our tea.  Apple cake is perfect for an autumn dessert.

Green Bakelite handled flatware is perfect for these dishes

Come, sit, enjoy, there is tea and cake for you too

And lovely roses to scent the room

Tea Time Tuesday

Monday, September 28, 2015

Mosaic Monday - More Fun on Our Ride in the Country

Yesterday's post showed the farms and fields in the storm and then in the sun - but there was much more that we saw too.
 Some pretty doves walking in a farm yard.  I rarely can get a photo of the Doves - they seem to be so nervous and any little thing sets them to flying away

 An abandoned house - such a sadness - the house has such potential.

 The maples are putting on their autumn colors.
 And we came across the cutest log cabin imaginable.  I don't know how old it is - but it is well cared for and in great condition.
 A stone chimney of river rocks and fruit trees in the front yard, with a wood pile in the side yard

The logs have been squared off and notched together.  What a lovely place to live - such memories this old house must hold.

Mosaic Monday

Collages were made at

Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Barn Collective

Today was a fantastic day.  There were clouds, sun, rain, hail and the moon, almost full tonight.

We drove down country roads - up to Sumas, WA  on the Canadian border and then to Everson and every place in between.
 The clouds were thick and dark - the barns bright and beautiful against the sky
 Rain in the distance - those hills are British Columbia, Canada.  I fear that hay on the ground is going to get very wet.

 Some sun breaks - but they don't last long as the clouds thicken

 The silo tops shine against the dark clouds. Old barn and silos on the left - new red barn and very old silo on the right

 And then the rain begins

 And this is with the windshield wipers going at full speed.
 In about 20 minutes the rain was gone - but not before it brought some strong hail with it.  And the skies began to clear.
 Puffy white clouds against a blue sky, and a field where the hay had recently been cut.

Did you know that the flat bottoms of the clouds are from warm columns of air pushing into the cold air above and clouds form atop the warm air columns.  I like to think of the clouds as walking down steps across the countryside.
 A field of very wet hay, now basking in the bright sunshine
 A little barn, right in the middle of a small town - blue skies and puffy clouds behind it.
And then at home tonight the almost full moon.