
Monday, August 17, 2015

Mosaic Monday

I thought today would be a good day to share some mosaics from summers past and present
Irises are a great way to start summer 
 Wild Celery is abundant along the road sides
 And Shirley Poppies are so sweet
 Fields of Allium waving in the breeze
 Wild Honeysuckle lines many banks along the roads
 Cattails by a small pond
 The wonderful scent of roses
 Foxgloves grow everywhere - along the roads, on hillsides, in fields
 Hollyhocks by a sweet seaside cottage
 Mullein is one of my favorite wild flowers
  I know these are not flowers  -  but I love this collage
 And of course no summer is complete without poppies
 Hydrangeas are in so many yards in town

 Rose gardens
 Summer flowers are grand!
Mosaic Monday
Through My Lens


  1. I'm almost speechless... Your mosaics are all gorgeous!

  2. Hello JoAnn, lovely collection of mosaics and gorgeous flowers. So many pretty ones, they are all a lovely sight. Happy Monday, enjoy your week!

  3. Oh all collections are breath taking.

    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Stopping by for mosaic monday.

    They are all amazing to look at. I am not sure i can pick a favorite.
    So many pretty flowers- what a great way to begin Monday!

  5. What a great collection of flowers and beautiful photos. I like the pink poppies, the Alium and of course the hydrangeas (my theme for today's Monday, too).

  6. Goodness, these were stunning, simply stunning!

  7. Those are all really neat... but the poppies caught my eye the most. So bright and pretty. Love them all.

  8. What can I say? Your Mosaics are simply gorgeous! Nicely done!!!

  9. I've never heard of wild celery. I've learned a lot about identifying plants doing my ABC Wednesday posts, but haven't come across that one. Have a little time in town today so am trying to get caught up on my blogging friends. - Margy

  10. Gorgeous flowers (and the odd cute chickens). Summer seems to come and go so fast it's hard to keep up with all the blossoms. These collages help remind us. So pretty!

  11. A lovely way to look back over some beautiful memories! xx

  12. A wonderful parade of flowers (with a few chickens) that would brighten anyone's day. I wish we had foxgloves grow wild here, they are a pretty flower and although mullein does, ours always looks so dirty and tattered when I see it along roadsides.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday JoAnn.

  13. Flowers make the most beautiful mosaics! I love hydrangeas best! Enjoy your evening my friend. I sewed some was FUN! Sweet hugs, Diane

  14. Such lovely flowers! Your mosaics were wonderful...definitely uplifting!

  15. Some of my absolute favorite flowers! And such beautiful photos of them! Love the chickens, too. :-)

  16. Lovely mosaics made with nature;s beauty!

  17. You've covered it all! - the beauty of a close up, in all it's delicate detail, and then the impact of an entire field of beauties. Some of the photos show such vivid all-over texture that I salivate over having them as quilting fabrics!

  18. WOW! What am amazing array of different blooms you have presented us today. Absolutely stunning. My favourite - the red Poppies.

  19. All so lovely. Sadly my garden has given way to the heat this year.

  20. Glorious mosaics - breathtaking!
    Please come link up at

  21. So many lovely mosaics, it's hard to pick a favourite, but I do love the poppies. ALl are beautiful! Thanks for sharing nature's beauty!

  22. Oh those are the most beautiful flower collages ever! Amazing how you put them together! You must have a fantastic yard.....and you definitely have an artistic eye.

    Oh love the chickens too.

  23. These are some of the best mosaics I have ever seen...quite the bounty over the years....I can't even pick a favorite I love them all!!!

  24. JoAnn, Picked up your site from Diane's Lavender Dreamer....your sewing sister. LOL. I am so in love with all your flower photos. Love them. Also I like your dollie clothes. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  25. Such beauty in so many flowers shared, just a glorious array of sunshiny faces~


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