
Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Barn Collective - Barns Old and New

There are many barns in our area, some old and worn out, some new and some old but in good condition.
 We have been watching this poor old barn since we moved to Washington in 2001
 It continues to fall apart and sag.  It is on the edge of a busy road and there is no other evidence that a farm was in that area at any time.
 Blackberries and Elderberries have taken over
 This old barn had a lot of ugly machinery in front of it so I just took a picture of the top.  It looks surprised.
 These photos are drive by pictures - this has always been one of my favorite farms but it is on a very busy road with a high speed limit and no place to pull over for photos.
 The view of the farm and the clouds change as we whiz by.  Do you see the horse near the door in the low barn on the left?
I only took three photos and all three turned out, despite taking them from a moving car.


  1. Your old barn has so much character! The red barn is what I envision what north-west barns should be like. The hills and tall trees complete the scene. Thanks so much for linking up this week, please come back again. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  2. Great pictures! I feel sorry for the old barn. At one point he/she was a productive member of society, probably alive with moos and neighs. Maybe it's just time for a rest from protecting others!

  3. It would be interesting to see a series of annual shots of the poor sagging barn as it deteriorates year after year.
    I love the red barn with the mountains behind!

  4. I always look forward to seeing what barns you photo each the old dilapidated ones, they have so much they could tell many stories.
    Have a great week, JoAnn!

  5. The red barns are beautiful with the mountains in the background. Stunning on the fly photos. The old worn barn reminds me of some in this neighborhood. I'm sorry I didn't take more photos of them because some are gone now. If they become too dangerous the county makes the land owners tear them down.

  6. Someone was telling me they took video pictures and then sorted them frame-by-frame to get a good shot. I think all yours are great considering they were take on the move. Well, I am always the driver so even looking at views is limited to me.

  7. The photos taken from the car are really good but it's the poor old falling down barn that I like best. It must be so full of memories.

  8. Hello, neat shots of the old falling down barn! But, my favorite is the pretty red barn with the mountains in the distance. Lovely shots. Have a happy Monday!

  9. That poor barn. It's usefulness is over, just waiting to fall down but isn't it amazing. I love it.

  10. Amazing captures even more so since you took them from a moving vehicle, bravo!

  11. That first barn looks to have been well is a shame it is so expensive and time consuming to repair these old beauties.

    Surprise does fit that next one...and oh, how I love that last barn. All three images are wonderful. Specially when clicked on to expand the view.

  12. Love you barn photos; one and all. Time gone by.

  13. Barns have always fascinated me. Whenever I travel, I enjoy taking photographs of them. It's too bad that the first barn has been abandoned. Makes you wonder about its history and the people that once lived on the farm. Great photos of the red barn.

  14. I've watched three barns crumble since we moved here in 2010. One was bulldozed recently; the other two are giving in to time and neglect.
    I like the surpized look of yours.

  15. LOL the barn does look surprised.
    It's always fun to take pictures from a moving car. Good job.


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