
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Friends Sharing Tea

I think it is time for a spring tea party.  The flowers are blooming, some days are sunny and warm - just perfect for tea.
 A pretty teacup and a flower pot napkin ring.
 The flower pots came with the bottoms cut out - I just painted them.  I have seen tutorials online for cutting out the bottoms of regular tiny flower pots - but I am glad I found some already cut.
 Fancy napkins always make tea a little nicer

 A pansy teapot is perfect for spring - the tablecloth was a find on ebay - seems not many people want to bid on these vintage tablecloths.
 Pretty roses on this teacup - all these items are from thrift shops or yard sales.

Sit, enjoy a cup of tea and a cookie or two.


  1. I love pansies. I wanted to get some for my flower pots, but Canadian Tire didn't have any in bright colours. I opted for some marigolds in yellow and orange. - Margy

  2. Your perfect teacups are perfect for springtime tea!

  3. Tea and cookies in such a pretty setting ... who wouldn't want to join you!

  4. JoAnn, I would love to join you for tea. Wouldn't that be fun! I love the little pansy t-pot. So sweet. Jerry bought me two of the crocheted cloths way back from the flea market. I used one as a bedspread for a long time. They are so pretty..Happy Tuesday..Judy

  5. Oh, those flower pot napkin rings are cute!

  6. Lovely spring time tea cups and cute napkin rings :)


  7. I've never seen pots with holes but that was sure helpful! Very cute. I love your little teacups too and teapot and those yummy cookies!

  8. Unfortunately, I never get invited to placed where such lovely stuff gets used. Guess I look like large ceramic mug type. I Do like Earl Grey tea, though.

  9. Such a beautiful tablecloth! I'm inspired to take a look on ebay now. Really fun flower pot napkin rings too! So glad I found your blog through Bernideen's. Enjoy your tea! ~Nora

  10. I enjoy seeing other people's thrift shop and yard sale finds. These are all so sweet!

  11. How pretty! I can see you have quite a collection!

  12. I have never understood why people don't wish to buy these vintage table cloths - when I think of the work that has gone into somany of them - I personally love them and have bought several in antique shops over the years - I now have to stop myself buying more!

  13. I love vintage tablecloths. When I think of the work that has gone into the making of them. I have bought several in antique shops and now have to stop myself buying more.

  14. Good Morning, your tea pot and tea cups are so pretty. I love the tablecloth and the cute napkin rings.. Very springy.. Have a happy day!

  15. Your painted flower pot napkin holders are so sweet, and are perfect with your tea cup. Thanks so much for sharing at Vintage Inspiration Party.

  16. Should we have our cup of tea before we play dollies? lol I love pretty tea cups and was so wanting a new one. So I went to the thrift store and found a white one and a saucer that was a close match. It made my day! Enjoy your afternoon sweet friend. Hugs, Diane

  17. Your teacups are pretty and I love the cute flower pot napkin holders. Nice

  18. Your table settings and the way you photograph them make me feel like I am sitting down right there to enjoy tea, a cookie and a lovely conversation with you!

  19. Such pretty cups! Those darling little napkin rings are so cute!


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