
Friday, April 24, 2015

Five, or Six, Little Things on Friday

I'm combining three memes for today
Six Word Friday for a start
Little Things Thursday in the middle
And Five on Friday to end
Combining my love of pretty dishes
And a beautiful carved wooden basket
Pretty blue dishes - called Rose Parade
I love colored flat ware too
Melamine, silver, plastic, vintage or new
A tiny tea party for the fairies
Or a miniature pinecone tea set
No limit to fun with dishes
Fairies or dolls can be happy


  1. Happy Friday, you dish tea set collections are so pretty. Have a happy day and weekend ahead!

  2. You do have some really beautiful china JoAnn.

  3. The apples perfectly suit that lovely carved wooden basket!

  4. The little sunshine plates are adorable. I've never seen any like these. My dollies and I will be right over for tea time! (got any soft cookies? I just got home from the dentist! lol) Sweet hugs, Diane

  5. I can't believe I'm not a follower but I saw you were almost to 150 so I tried. It used an old profile pic for some strange reason but you know it's me, I hope! lol Happy 150 followers my friend! HUGS!!!

  6. Pretty tea sets. The wooden bowl is beautiful. Enjoy the weekend. Pam

  7. I agree with Diane! Those little sunshine plates are to-die-for CUTE!!!!

  8. LOVE the little tea set. I collect miniature tea sets, and am getting quite a few now.

  9. I love the color of your Rose Parade set - and it goes so nicely on the crocheted table cloth! And the sunshine tiny tea set is so sweet, too! I have a little set (on a little table with little chairs) that I call my teddy bear tea set (though one of the two at the tea party is a bunny).

  10. Such lovely things! I really like the wooden basket for your apples, that really is gorgeous isn't it! Thank you so much for joining in. I hope that you have a great weekend! xx

  11. There's always time for a tea party and your tea party settings are beautiful. How I adore your lovely dishes. Wishing you a great weekend.

  12. I live them all but the whittler in me embraces that wooden basket.

  13. It's so much fun seeing all your pretty things!

  14. You have such gorgeous tea sets! I really like the pine cones as they remind me of Georgia. Thank you for joining Little Things Thursday!

  15. Oh JoAnn! What a fun post. The Rose Parade dishes are lovely, I love the shapes of the pieces. And the wee tea sets are precious, maybe my fairies could come visit and have tea with your fairies.


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