
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Bird Excitement

I sit in my comfy chair - I can see out the window and what I see is the flowers on the deck
 They have been glorious this year - the best show I've ever had of daffodils and tulips
and then a slight movement - wait - what is that?  Something moved - oh look - on the edge of the rain gauge
 A sweet little House Wren - quick get the camera out of the case - wait little bird
 She sits and sings - waiting for me to get a picture - this is the very first time I've even been able to capture a photo of a wren - the very first time.
I've heard her singing in the woods across the street - and here she is - posing and singing - such excitement!!!!


  1. Now that was a delightful show that was put on just for you! Lucky lady! What wonderful photographs and great post!


  2. awww! This just melts my heart! She is so sweet and pretty - just singing her heart out with the joy of being alive. She must somehow know you respect all creatures who are feathered flyers - that's why she waited for you!
    And gorgeous spring blooms! If those pictures were on the cover of a bulb catalog, they'd sell out!

  3. At last a bird that we have too - and one of my favourites for the lovely bright song. Hopefully it is nesting somewhere near and might bring its babies to feed - then we might get a photograph of them too.

  4. I love your tulips- so pretty! Great capture of the little wren- he was putting a show on for you!

  5. What a treat and what a darling little bird! She looks like she's singing her heart out. Lucky you!

  6. I love the cute wren, they are such loud singers...I love your tulips too! Great series of photos! Thank you for linking up and sharing your critter post..Have a happy weekend!

  7. Your flowers are beautiful, and great catches of the Wren! I rarely ever see a Wren anymore.

  8. The Wren is great looking in song.

  9. That little bird is givin' it her all!

  10. Great shots...we have a pair of wrens that hang around here all the time. They come right up on the back porch while I am reading...they aren't skittish like the cardinals who fly off at the sight of a human!

  11. How thrilling to finally capture the beauty of your wren.

    Unbeknownst to me the RG has repaired our wren house and put it back up today. I watch it from the porch swing.

  12. The wren was enjoying your pretty flowers too.

  13. Beautiful flowers! Tulips are one of my favourites, especially in a vase. I occasionally catch a glimpse of a wren when they visit, searching for spiders. They are so quick moving - you did well to take such brilliant pictures of yours. I love their song.

  14. Wow, that wren must have been posing for a portrait. The only pictures I have ever gotten of wrens is the south side of a bird going north.

  15. Awwww, sweet, sweet pose for you and us to view!! I love the wren. AND,....the tulips in bloom.

    I appreciate you sharing the link to this post for I'd Rather B Birdin'. Have a super week ahead!!

  16. Aww...she really is sweet! Love the cherry blossoms at the top of your page too!

  17. Very exciting! Great photos! (Just love your tulips and daffodils too!) Your experience was so similar to Lavender Dreamer' neat!

  18. How wonderful that she posed in a position to get some lovely bokeh behind her. Your flowers are gorgeous!

  19. How neat to get such great photos of this little guy! They really do sing louder than any other bird, don't they? How precious! I hope you've had a great weekend my friend. Sweet hugs, Diane

  20. I love wrens . What a great shot of this little one just singing her heart out.
    The flowers are beautiful too.


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