
Friday, March 27, 2015

Weekly Top Shot

The Red-winged blackbirds are back in the swampy area near our house - I've been trying for years to get a really good picture of one.


  1. Red-winged blackbirds always make me think of driving between my grandmother's and great aunts houses in Central California. There was a large marshy area in the middle just covered with blackbirds. I love the sound of their calls. - Margy

  2. A beautiful bird-portrait!
    My post at:

  3. After a week of camera birding with my DIL, I appreciate anything that is centered and not a complete blur!

  4. Lovely capture of the Redwing Blackbird. Happy weekend!

  5. Displaying his lovely colours too!

  6. Just stopping back to say, thank you so much for sharing your post and linking up! Have a happy weekend!

  7. That is a great shot -- very difficult to catch BOTH red patches at once! Red-winged blackbirds were very common around my childhood prairie home and so are a favourite bird of mine.

  8. I've been trying to catch them, too - but you did! Very nice!

  9. Well you did! It's really a beautiful photo!!

  10. I love the red wing blackbird, they are quite abundant here.
    I also love the Oscar cupcakes! I had a birthday this week also. I hope yours was special.

  11. Me too. I think they're beautiful. Nice capture here.

  12. Great shot of the bird and I love the flowering trees in your header.

  13. Magnificent shot of one of nature's gems! Love red and black colors!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  14. You've got a good one here, JoAnn! They seem to see a camera coming...and also flit around a lot so they aren't easy subjects.

  15. Nice shot, JoAnn! I remember an abundance of these birds when I lived in VT. We have them here in south Texas, but I don't see them that often. I would probably see more of them near the river. Have a great week!

  16. I'd say you did a superb job this time... I love their song, so distinct, you recognize it instantly. Thank you JoAnn, for coming by sharing your creative photography on the Weekly Top Shot, #171!

  17. I've noticed some red wings recently...terrific shot♪

  18. That's beautiful! I remember the first time I saw one of these. It was out in the country in a field - the setting was much like this. I was amazed at the striking colors on this beautiful creature! I would never be able to get a shot like yours!

  19. OH your header is gorgeous. You are so good with the camera. I should just follow you around.

  20. Beautiful photograph of the red wing blackbird. We have not had any of our summer birds return yet at our feeders. Many of the birds nest in the white pines in and around the yard. I am looking forward to the sounds of the baby birds chirping in the yard again.


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