
Friday, March 27, 2015

Happy Birthday

Wednesday was fun - it was my birthday - and that is always fun.  My friend Julee came up for the day and we laughed and talked and sewed and painted and laughed and  ate cupcakes.
 Oscar the Grouch cupcakes that Julee brought
Another friend - dear Diane in Florida  -   sent me the cutest little doll
Her name is Sally Jo - and here she is between Poppy and Abigail 
More about Poppy and Abby's new summer outfits next time - stay tuned

 Diane made Sally Jo - with cute ribbons and a ladybug button
And sent this darling  card too.
 And two teacup coasters that she made.
Perfect for a cup of tea and an Oscar the Grouch cupcakes, don't you think?
Julee also brought me a pretty bouquet
And Don gave me the traditional birthday bouquet of daffodils.

And videos from Donnie in West Virginia

My birthday isn't over - our daughters are bringing a birthday dinner up this weekend so we'll get to see them and the grandsons.


  1. What I would call an extended birthday celebration. Love those cup cakes.

  2. Happy Belated Birthday, Joann! Your gifts are lovely.. I love the cute cupcakes and the beautiful flowers.. The dolls are pretty too. I hope your day was wonderful.. Have a happy weekend!

  3. A belated Happy Birthday to you JoAnn! It sounds like you had a lovely day, with more treats to come! You header is beautiful - hasn't it been a great year for blossoms!?

  4. Happy Birthday sweet dollie friend! Your dolls look precious in their cute summery outfits and I'm glad you got lots of fun things for your birthday. The cupcakes sure are cute and it sounds like the fun will continue this weekend. Lots of birthday hugs coming your way! HAVE FUN! Sweet hugs, Diane

  5. A belated Happy Birthday to you JoAnn !!
    I love those funny cakes !

  6. Happy Belated Birthday to you JoAnn. Your Spring flower header is gorgeous. I love the Oscar cupcakes and the tea coasters are cute too.

  7. A very happy belated birthday, JoAnn! The cupcakes are cute, but not as cute as the grandson!
    Enjoy the weekend with your daughters and grandsons.

  8. Warmest wishes for your extended birthday. How nice to celebrate in style!

  9. Happy birthday! Sounds like a great day.

  10. Happy (now belated) birthday! It looks like you had a wonderful day and you'll get to extend it this weekend. Enjoy!

  11. Good friends, good treats, good wishes.....I think you received - and deserved it all, Jo Ann! Happy Birthday!
    Donnie is a little angel!

  12. Well you are right. We are almost twins. Happy Birthday!

  13. Happy Birthday to you!!! Glad you had a good time! xx


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