
Monday, March 16, 2015

The Good, The Random, The Fun

Monday is a great day for some fun - let's have some
 The good - a small restaurant on nearby Lummi Island (5 minute ferry ride).  They serve the absolutely best fish 'n chips.  The view of the bay is spectacular.
 A bee skep cracker jar is always a good thing.
 The Random - they say if it stands still something will grow on it, here in the NW corner of Washington state - and sure enough - the fence post is sprouting a lovely hat of grasses
 And a random sign - making the best use of what you have.  The thrift store is as disorganized as this sign - but sometimes there are fun things to be discovered.  This is in Bow,WA - on Chuckanut Drive
 And the fun - what could be more fun in the spring than anticipating the wonderful apples that are grown in our area.  This fruit stand has apples and much more.  I didn't get a picture of the sign that says "Closed for Now" that sits alongside the road leading to the barn that houses the fruit stand.
 And of course we need apple blossoms in the spring - hopefully a great crop this year.


  1. Fun shots!
    I saw a post at a distance, like the one you have here. There was a profile on it that I thought was a bird. Nope. Weeds.
    (Are these blossoms from this year? My little tree is just beginning to bud.)

  2. Love the signs, and that cracker jar is really unique!

  3. Oh the wonderful Apple blossoms of spring! How they make me homesick for the PNW!

  4. What fun pictures - the blossoms are gorgeous!

  5. Great shots - and the apple blossom is so pretty. Hope the harvest is good this year - we love to get your apples here.

    Um, fish and chips are always delicious - we're thinking of getting some tonight at the Irish pub to celebrate St. Patrick's Day!

    Mary x

  6. What a potpourri of fun! I'd be so tempted to paint some eyes on that fence post! "He" has so much personality!

  7. My apple trees are far from blooming but I'm looking forward to the blooms. Last year we had a huge crop of apples.
    LOVE the covered Exxon sign. I stared at that a little while before I saw it - pretty cool.
    My brother and his wife and my nephew are in Washington this week so my nephew can check out a college near Seattle.


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!