
Monday, March 16, 2015

Barn Collective

Travelling through the country side up near the Canadian border we came across several farms, spread on on the flats near the river, just on the edge of the foothills.
 The green of spring is spectacular - and the farm is well kept.


  1. I'm still waiting for spring, I took snowy barn scenes yesterday. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  2. The barn roof looks like a good shape for snow sliding down and off! Looks practical.

  3. Awesome barn! Looks bigger than the house ...

  4. What a beautiful farm in a gorgeous setting!

  5. Oh my that's beautiful - and such a great location!

  6. Spring looks fabulous there! Gorgeous greens and beautiful barns?

  7. There's nothing nicer than a well-kept farm. I like seeing pride of ownership in action.

  8. There is nothing quite like spring green is there. That is a beautiful farm set in the vale.

  9. Lovely vista! Spring is starting to show itself around our parts and it can't come soon enough for me. :)

  10. I think I would want to live in that barn! It is a beauty.

  11. It really looks beautiful there JoAnn - and of course I know it is first hand as I've traveled there and long to make another visit. The Pacific Northwest is one of my favorite areas - and yes, even living in a barn that fine might be an option!!!!

    Happy week - Mary x

  12. Such a peaceful setting. I think this would be a different world if people didn't have to live all crammed together in big cities, fighting every day for some personal space and the quiet that comes with it. These farmers have it all - heaven on earth!

  13. Beautiful farms up that way----well all over our corner for that matter.
    I always liked the smell of Skunk Cabbage too. Sorta like strong licorice.

  14. Looks like a very well kept farm and it's nestled in the valley with a gorgeous background!
    Can hardly wait to see green grass. :)

  15. Nice to see some that are well cared for.

  16. The green is spectacular. They have planted wheat around our place and it is just beautiful right now. Thanks for linking your foothills scenes!


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