
Sunday, March 8, 2015

Sunlit Sunday

So many lovely plants flowering this time of the year - first we have apple trees. 

 Hope the bees find them this early in the season.  These apple trees were blooming in the library parking lot in Deming, WA

There are leftovers from winter - the Cottoneaster (cu tone e aster) berry bushes are still full of fruit.  In harsh winters the robins and other overwintering birds will eat everything off the bushes.
 The walnut orchards are in full bloom   -  this is the second year we caught them at just the right time - and on a sunny day too.

 The blossoms are similar to apple blossoms - the branches are more rugged looking

And daffodils - everywhere you turn, daffodils


  1. You are so lucky to have walnut trees. I like trees, especially nut trees. I am learning a lot about Alaska from your blog. Thanks for sharing. Thelma

  2. Beautiful blossoms! And I love the daffodils,they brighten my day! Have a happy day and week ahead!

  3. Wow I'd love to see those walnut trees in person! I had no idea they flowered like that. It's always wonderful to see spring bring things to life again.

  4. oh my goodness i am just looking forward to spring so much. i have to admit i am tired of winter. i love the snow ...but the coldness is getting old. i love Virginia in spring. so fun. take care this week & enjoy each and every day. ( :

  5. Beautiful walnut trees in full bloom! Our apple trees have not yet bloomed, but the buds are swelling!

  6. I have to admit I have never seen a walnut in bloom. We had Black Walnuts in the forest around our home but they were way to tall to see anything other than the leaves or the nuts on the ground in the fall. I love your spring and I am looking forward to ours.

  7. I've been seeing blossoms everywhere. I sure hope we don't have a late March frost. - Margy

  8. Wow! It looks like you had a truly beautiful weekend! (Ours was spectacular, too, so I'm not surprised.) Glad you were able to get out and enjoy it. I hope you're fully recovered now.

  9. Beautiful blossoms! I remember the magnolia my mother had in her backyard. It literally stopped people dead in their tracks to see it in full bloom. Absolutely stunning!
    And I do know how to pronounce Cottoneaster! Only because we had one in the front yard of our first home. It was wonderful to see the amount of birds that came to enjoy the berries!

  10. That walnut orchard is an incredible sight! Beautiful!


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