
Monday, March 30, 2015

March Collage

March was a good month - let's see what was going on.

Hyacinths, Dolls with new summer outfits, Barns, Red Wing Blackbirds, Wild Flowering Currant, Mallards in a pond, Daffodils for my birthday, Moon, Walnut orchard in bloom, Bouquets, Bald Eagle, Farms, Pansies in the planters, International Pi Day, Birthday flowers from a friend, Spring decorations, a Red Tail Hawk in town, lot of rain on the flowers, Mallards looking for something to eat, daffodil fields, Oscar the Grouch cupcakes for my birthday, Great Blue Heron, Bald Eagle flying in front of Mt. Baker and a seagull.
It was a very good month indeed.


  1. A March collage---Love it.

    We live in such a beautiful area, don't we!

  2. A good and busy month for me as well. We had two trips away to the sun in March, but April should be quieter so we can enjoy spring at home in the cabin. I'm ready for a rest. - Margy

  3. JoAnn your March collage is beautiful. You captured some wonderful highlights of the month there. I also like all your cute spring decorations in your previous post. Have a blessed Easter. Pam

  4. Wow! So many beautiful things you have seen and captured!

  5. That header and the March collage - how wonderful - Spring in its glory - here daffodils are only just coming out and it is still cold, wet and windy.

  6. i love your header shots ... so springy. wishing for warmer temps here ... it is suppose to be warmer but feel so chilly. wonder what the week will hold weather wise??! ( :

  7. These is such a beautiful mosaic and reminds us all of what the month held for you. I think I'll put one together....later! I'll try anyway! Sweet sweet hugs, Diane

  8. Lovely to see your pretty spring things in your last post and to see your roundup of March too! I hope that April is a good month for you. xx

  9. March has been so beautiful in our corner of the world. Lots of pretty things in your mosaic. Those cherry blossoms in your header are stunning!

  10. What's not to like? Pretty flowers, great birds. This is a beautiful collage!

  11. I love this idea of looking back. I might have to borrow this idea. It would be a great way to keep track of photos. I looked through so many photo folders today looking for something. So many possibilities. Thanks for inspiration.

  12. Now i'm envious. Such wonderful pictures reminding of upcoming summer. We still have snow. Your bird and flower pictures are fantastic, not to mention the moon.

    R. Täysin arkista

  13. Oh those flowers and ducks - Just lovely captures, the sings of spring are so delightful!

  14. What a beautiful way to collect the sights and sounds of each passing month! Nice array of nature and fun things you enjoy at home!


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