
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Holiday Shopping

Such fun this time of the year -  picking out all the wonderful gifts for the holidays.  And what better gift than to see my book featured on another blog.  One I had never heard of - but have now enjoyed very much.  A lovely blogger, Arlynda Lea features a lot of gifts available online on her blog.  Some we might never have seen if she hadn't featured them.  And my book, "Are We Walking to Alaska?" was one of her picks.  

You can pop over to my other blog - click above - and see who might enjoy reading this book. It might surprise you to see who is reading it these days. 

It is the true adventures of our first few years in Alaska in the 1950s - before Alaska became a state.  Our family had moved to Alaska from California and our father became a commercial fisherman.  My two brothers and I had fabulous adventures and some scary times with Grizzly bears - plus we got to touch a whale on the beach and see northern lights - and so much more. 

A family friendly book - great for all ages - available in print and kindle at Amazon.

Happy shopping and I hope you enjoy the book as much as I enjoyed writing it.


  1. What a change JoAnn - California to Alaska - hot weather to cold, apart from all the other things.

  2. I put it on my wish list! I know I would love it my friend! Enjoy your afternoon! sweet hugs, Diane

  3. Your life in Alaska sounds awesome.. Thanks for sharing, great post. Enjoy your evening!

  4. Woops! My comment was just erased before I was even finished. (That's happened on a couple of blogs lately. Hmmm.)
    Anyhow, sounds like a great adventure. I'm up to my eyeballs in books with a new reading group. I have most of the next year plotted out before me and already feel like I'm behind!

  5. On my wish list too. Isn't the blogging world amazing!

  6. Oh, Jo! I So do wish I could think of Christmas gift buying as FUN. Alas, it has not been that for me for many years. But I Do like Christmastime!

  7. I have read this book and it is interesting, heartwarming, and well written. Before enjoying this story, Alaska was just another star on the flag for me. I was in grade school and we were asked to design a flag that depicted both new states - Alaska and Hawaii. The book brings to life the people who lived in Alaska and describes well the inconveniences and joys of those wide open spaces. In the end, it is the story of a family - one that sticks together and grows in good times and bad. Highly recommended reading! I am saving my copy for the grandkids when they study US geography.

  8. I think I owe it to myself to get a copy of your book. I think it would be great fun to read about your adventures growing up.

  9. Books make excellent gifts. They expand you knowledge, let you travel in time and space, and lets you imagination run wild. - Margy

  10. How nice that she mentioned your book on her blog. I seriously, have been meaning to purchase it (and don't get upset thinking you are pushing it on me). Since I received my Kindle a while ago, I have been reading all my books on that, and I read before I go to sleep at night, so I usually finish a book at that time and forget to put it on. I'm assuming it can be read on Kindle, if not, I'll just order the book. I'm almost through reading my one now It is called The Carousel, by Rosamond Pilcher. I love her novels, most set in England...Happy Weekend..Judy


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