
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Canada Geese - Mosaic Monday

A trip to Silver Lake - half the way to Mt. Baker - and a new camera.  My trusty Canon has been having aches and pains for quite some time now - and it was time to move up.  I spent some time shopping and finding just what I wanted - a Nikon CoolPix P600 - it zooms to 258X - the Canon only to 140X.  

It was a cloudy, spattering rain kind of day.  The reflections in Silver Lake were spectcular.
There were Canada Geese enjoying a stroll on the lawns
 And I just had to try out the new zoom - this goose is at 35x
 And at 250x - enjoying a nibble on the grass
  They decided it was a grand idea to take a swim

 Standing in a shallow spot
 Taking a bath

And it began to rain

 The new camera even captured the rain drops splashing back up on the lake surface
  It was a wonderful day at Silver Lake
Bye Bye


  1. Do you think they cleared immigration and customs before landing? - Margy

  2. What amazing shots - all of them but a special woo hoo goes to the rain drops splashing back on the lake, that's brilliant :)
    Wren x

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  3. Love the geese and the pretty lake. Beautiful scenery and images.. Congrats on your new camera.. Have a happy new week!

  4. Your new Nikon is pretty impressive JoAnn, especially capturing the rain splashing onto the lake. Is this a man made lake? The first photo shows that it isn't that wide, or possibly long but it does attract the geese.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  5. It was a wonderful day at Silver Lake ... rain and all! Love the Canada Geese. Enjoy your new camera!

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  6. Nice photos, and congrats on your new camera! Silver Lake is a lovel place to visit!

  7. Great post on the geese! Congrats on your new camera.. Looks like a wonderful outing, enjoy your new week!

  8. Love the exuberance of that bathing goose! Your new camera takes great pictures - with a lot of help from you!

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  9. My favorite is the second picture - just an easy stroll in the park! Your shots of the water are great too - the happy combination of a really nice camera and someone behind the lens who knows what she's doing!

  10. My favorite is the second picture - just an easy stroll in the park! Your shots of the water are great too - the happy combination of a really nice camera and someone behind the lens who knows what she's doing!

  11. Great shots...I have not seen much movement of geese yet..maybe it has been too warm here still..

  12. Wow, your new camera takes really great photos, JoAnn! I ♥ the one of the raindrops...doesn't take much to amuse me, does it! I have noticed quite a few more geese in our area, recently...good sign of cold weather on the horizon!
    Have a wonderful week.

  13. I love what your new camera can do! These are wonderful shots! I especially like the first one. The color and clarity are great. Good choice!

  14. Hi JoAnn,
    I know some folks think these guys are a nuisance but I love to see them. My favorite shot was the 'standing in a shallow spot'. I liked his wavy reflection.
    Thanks for coming by today. I have missed blog land and it's good to be back.

  15. Great pictures JoAnn, Your new camera (with your expertise of course) did a wonderful job of capturing the geese, the mountains and the rain drops falling on the lake. The reflection of the trees and the mountains in the lake look crisp and vibrant. Looks like you picked a winner with the Nikon.

  16. I love these photos of the geese. I always have half an ear out for the sound of geese flying over at this time of the year, we aren't really on a flight path but we do get them occasionally. I love the sound of wild geese crying.

  17. What a super collection of photos. I can see you are enjoying your new camera. I don't know which to choose as my favourite .. The reflection , the goose landing on the water , the rain drops...

  18. Great shots! I like the one bathing with water going everywhere


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