
Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Canda Geese Are Back

We were at Birch Bay  this past weekend (did you expect us to be any place else?) and as I was taking photos of the seagulls on the beach I heard it - the sound of Canada Geese flying in.

And there they were - out in the bay - Zoom In
Zoom Out - this is what I could see when I first heard them.  I do love my camera!!!  Zooms to 140X
You can see tiny white dots out in the bay - those are the geese.


  1. nice to see Canada Geese out enjoying the world!!
    What kind of camera/lens do you have to get such good zoom ins?

  2. Great photos...glad that the geese are headed north...beautiful as they are, they are also a nuisance! Most of the ones around here stay year 'round.
    Have a wonderful weekend, JoAnn.

  3. Nice series on the Canada Goose.. They seem to stay here year round! I assume not all of the geese migrate.. Great shots, enjoy your evening!

  4. I love that collection of Zoom In photos! We used to get excited about the Canadian Geese flying through, but now so many of them are here year-round, I don't pay much attention to them.

  5. I have been just catching up on the posts I have missed, great photos of the Geese.

  6. The geese around here were particularly active last month, flying around back and forth in the sky and headed nowhere in particular. I met a woman who said they do that to teach youngsters the ins and outs of flying in a flock.

  7. great photos and amazing zoom power - lovely to see the geese looking so healthy after their long flight

  8. I always love seeing the stark black and white contrast of these beautiful creatures against any backdrop. But the color of that water in your shots is unlike any I've ever seen, and it's the prettiest setting for these geese!

  9. A true sign of fall. When we were camping in August, we heard the geese and learned that it was the young ones being taught how to fly in formation getting ready for the big migration.

  10. That's where my birds went. We haven't seen any geese for a while. - Margy

  11. They're everywhere!! Great ZIZO shots. I love the massive zoom your camera can do!

  12. isn't it amazing how good the zoom in can be? Great shots.

  13. I always love it when I'm outside early in the morning before sunrise and all I hear is this woosh woosh. It's kinda erie then comes the honk honk of the geese. We have 17 of them that live year round on our lake.
    Thanks for sharing your shots of them


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