
Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Eagle Tree

We've seen eagles in this tree before - it is just outside Edison, WA - and this weekend there they were.  When we first arrived there were 17 eagles - that is a new record for us. 

This tree sits down the driveway of a private residence - but they never complain about cars parking along the road to take photos of their eagle tree 
I can see 13 in this tree - there had been 17 (one looks like he is part of the evergreen tree on the left) - some flew away - and more came in - rotating stock I guess 

A very good eagle day.  This tree is only about 2 blocks down the road from the eagles in the last blog post.


  1. That is a sight to see and make me very happy. I can remember when they were very rare.

  2. I wonder why they like that particular tree. Fascinating.

    I thought of you today. We saw a group of white pelicans that migrate to Florida every winter. It was at a lake that is a bird sanctuary. It is always so exciting.

    Just finished a hugely busy week. Went to a Downton Abbey Dinner last Sunday so this Sundaybis looking dull by comparison. I finally got the post up. It took me hours to load and write. Whew!



  3. There is only one word to describe the photos...AWESOME!

  4. Can you imagine having such a tree in your front yard? I can't imagine getting anything done...much less having a sight like this on your property. It looks like quite a mixture of younger eagles here.

  5. I can even imagine seeing 13 eagles in one tree! I would love to see just one in the wild!

  6. what an awesome sight! thank you for sharing!

  7. I join the others who have no eagles in sight, wishing I could spot at least one. Around here the street would be full of gawkers, and the event would probably make the news! Hopefully they will flourish and make their way east!

  8. I join the others who have no eagles in sight, wishing I could spot at least one. Around here the street would be full of gawkers, and the event would probably make the news! Hopefully they will flourish and make their way east!


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!