
Saturday, March 1, 2014

I Didn't Even See It

Today we took a ride down to Skagit County - just doodling along on side roads - saw a tree with 17 eagles in it - yet that was not my top shot.
Two eagles on some old pilings - this is as high a zoom as I have on my camera - makes the shot a little fuzzy - but the surprise was ---
The second eagle on the post.  I was taking photos of the eagle in the bush on the right - and spotted something on the posts sticking up in the left of the photo.  I could tell it was an eagle - but when I got the photos off the camera I was surprised to see a second eagle on the post. - making that my Top Shot of the week.
And a close up of the eagle in the bush - it was a great day.   More about the 17 eagles in one tree later.


  1. I would be ecstatic to get these shots - wonderful!
    Looking forward to the rest of this story. :)

  2. Three cheers for a good zoom lens!

  3. How marvelous to see those birds so close up.

  4. They are such wonderful birds - whenever we come to the US we look out for them, they are majestic.

  5. It is like they knew their "publicity agent" was coming and decided to pose just for you! Another super great shot - perfectly composed and balanced!

  6. wow! Great shot of the Eagle ~ Happy Week to you xxx

    artmusedog and carol

  7. I just love your bird photos. We've been watching eagles in a nest in a tree near here, but can only see them as we cross a bridge, and nowhere to stop to take pictures! Yesterday we saw an eagle float past our front window, and there was a little bird (a wren or a sparrow) in our bird bath. Ran to get the camera but gone before we got back. That little window of nice weather, and now the birds are hidden trying to keep warm as the blizzard has arrived!

  8. Lucky you ~ to see and photograph such magnificent birds. Take care!

  9. Wow and double wow! I need to get a camera like yours. I have been limited to my IPAD and iPhone. Some day! I love this. I would be OVER the moon with excitement! I have a new app that I love called waterlogue. It is amazing.



  10. Those SOOC surprises are such a treat! I can see why it was your top shot. How nice that "you're in the eagles!" Lucky you!


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