
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Black and White Wednesday

Photographing the soul of a flower 
First a howling blizzard woke us,
Then the rain came down to soak us,
And now before the eye can focus —  Crocus
Lilja Rogers

 A little madness in the Spring
Is wholesome even for the King.
~Emily Dickinson
 Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush
 If I had my life to live over, I would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall. ~Nadine Stair
Flowers will tell us their secrets - if we listen


  1. Lovely post and exquisite floral BW photography for BWW ~ xxx
    artmusedog and carol

  2. Perfect!! Love the little sayings too. B&W is so great. MB

  3. Nice ~ I'm especially fond of the texture that shows up on the petals in that first shot - thanks for linking up!

  4. The first one is my favorite, though they're all wonderful. The rhodie and its secrets are nice, too. You don't have all of these blooming now, do you??

  5. I join the others in saying that the first photo is my favorite. It is truly amazing! I think you could take remarkable pictures from one of those old shoe box cameras!

  6. Nice B and W - I am trying to take more BandW shots this year - but I keep getting distracted by colourful birds!

    The waders should be heading back you way soon.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  7. Beautiful b&w shots, and love that poem about the crocus!

  8. The crocus and daffodil pictures are wonderful. There is definitely an art to beautiful B&W pictures. My bulbs are coming up in the yard but nothing has bloomed yet, it is way to cold here in Ohio. We will be getting snow again over the next day or two around here. I am so looking forward to the weather warming up soon.

  9. Very nice!! I love all the photos and the barefoot thing is right up my alley.

  10. JoAnn, your photos are exquisite. I always love black and white but always forget that I can do that. Love that little poem about the crocus. Wish I'd seen that one first!! Happy Weekend..Judy

  11. Just beautiful...quotes and imagery...perfect! :)

  12. Your black and white is lovely and almost a tease to the color soon to come.


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