
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Pine Cone Party

The Cottage Party today featured a lot of snowy cottages - but we have no snow - though we do have winter - or what passes for winter here in the very western Pacific Northwest - rain, clouds, a bit of sunshine now and then, which we call sun breaks, chilly temperatures but not cold - highs in the 40 and low 50s - so generally we don't have snow - and we aren't complaining - you never have to shovel rain.

But I do decorate for winter - and my centerpiece this year consists of pine cones, candles, silver glitter, an aluminum tray and a new tea set.

 A new tea set?  

But you said you weren't buying any more thrift store dishes until at least June, didn't you say that?  

Well, yes, I did say that - but Don bought them, and one just can't refuse a gift, can one?  

I didn't think so.

A child size tea set - with pine cones.  And it matches my set of pine cone dishes too - perfect.  Add some pine cones some candles and a pretty tray - and you have a perfect centerpiece for the winter

There are six cups and saucers - cream and sugar and teapot.  All is in perfect condition and looks like it never has been used.

It just makes me smile.  


  1. No snow, oh my, delightful. What a pretty tea set and perfect with the centre piece. Jen

  2. What a charming tea set, perfect for a winter display. Your husband has a good eye! I'm still wishing for some snow, but it's not likely at this point. Sigh.

  3. That's a really pretty centrepiece - wintery without being Christmassy.

  4. JoAnn, Your husband did really good finding this lovely tea set for you. The winter centerpiece display looks great.

  5. That set would make me smile too! I love it. Such fun for winter!

  6. Well I love teasets and I love pine cones, so it would probably come home with me as well! What a nicely trained honey! Lol! Thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  7. I love the French Saxon PINECONE which is what your set looks like . I bid on a couple sets on EBay but they went MUCH higher than I wanted to bid. Much drooling and sighing over your lovely tea set. Happy Winter!


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