
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Weekly Top Shot

We used to live near this little dairy farm - and on one of our last sunny days before the rains came, we drove past again.  This is my favorite view, from the hillside above.  The dairy is still run by a little lady - about 80 - who wears a padded vest and hat with ear flaps almost all year long.  She tends to all the needs of her dairy herd and is always read to help out neighbors if they need it.  


  1. Sounds like my kinda gal -- ear flaps are sexy! That's the Canadian in me talking.

  2. Wow! What a post ~ 80 and still going strong ~ Lovely photo ~ hope you still live nearby ~ carol ^_^

  3. I think the lady dairy farmer benefits from the peaceful tranquility of this place - and, quite frankly, probably from the fact that she interacts with animals more than people! I wish her continued good health and fortune!

  4. Peaceful and lovely, I like the play of the sunlight and shadow... she sounds amazing! Thank you for coming by sharing your creative photography on Weekly Top Shot #102!

  5. Every story like this reminds me of the benefits of staying physically active. (And that being around cows is probably nice, too.) Pretty scene! I'll bet that feeds the woman's soul as much as anything, too.

  6. Love the scene and that wonderful light!
    I hope I'm as productive when I'm 80.

  7. How wonderful still to be working at that age. We long ago gave up milking cows.

  8. Wonderful rural scene. The woman sounds like a hard worker, she must love her place. Great photos, have a happy week!

  9. It's great that the woman is still able to look after her farm.

  10. Such a pretty place - and taken in great light. Not like today, with the rain and now the wind. Stay cozy.

  11. It all looks so very lush and green.

  12. I love old farms, I grew up on a big farm that was built before the civil war. So when ever we are on the road I always take notice of the old barns,etc.
    Nancy Jo

  13. What a nice story about the lady farmer tending to her vintage farm! Lovely view. xo


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