
Friday, September 27, 2013

Random 5 Friday

It's been quite a week - and it isn't quite over yet.  Five  things?  I could do a hundred, but I'll try and stick to five.

1. It is the beginning of a new year for us - our 50th year of marriage.  We had our 49th anniversary on Wednesday - and now we are embarking on year 50.  We were 18 and 20 when we got married - my mom said it wouldn't last 6 months (where did she come up with that "logic"?)  We've lasted 98 times longer than that - and enjoyed every minute of it.

Free picture of the full moon

2.  Someone had a question for me, not too long ago, after reading one of my blog posts.  Her question was "don't you two ever do anything that isn't fun?"  Now that seemed like a strange question to me - but I've been pondering it since then, and I have to say, that the answer is "No, not on purpose."  Whenever we set out to do something we always look for a surprise happening - or a special moment - or a chance to share something special together.  Even a trip to the grocery store can be fun if you are looking for fun.  If you are looking for cranky then I'm pretty sure you might find it.  I'm not the biggest fan of shopping, so sometimes I have to work on finding the good in a shopping trip (unless it is to a thrift store, then the fun comes automatically in all the wondrous finds).

Like this little punkin fairy

3. Next month it will be 50 years since we met, at a soda fountain in a small town in Alaska.  I was working at Neil Andersen's Drug Store after school and on weekends, and Don was new in town, come from Wisconsin to earn money for his next year of college.  Love at first sight for both of us - and it continues.

4.  We had a fabulous weekend before our anniversary - a trip to Birch Bay State Park, and the town of  Birch Bay - and this picture of a lifetime of a heron taking off.  That was Saturday - Sunday Don cleaned the gutters and powerwashed them on the outside - they look fabulous and he was soaked when he got done - which made us and our grandson Ben laugh.  It was a great weekend.

That heron photo was amazing - and I cried when I saw what I had captured - then I laughed - then it all mixed together - what a shot!!

Because sometimes I get just the tail end

But sometimes I get the whole thing

And even a lovely close-up

5. It is supposed to rain all weekend - but we'll figure out something fun to do.  Fridays Don gets off work early, by working longer days the other four days of the week - so we always have some kind of adventure on  Friday afternoons.  I'll let you know later what we did - because we always do something that is fun.  
To start out our Friday today - he is picking me up at noon and then we are going to Blaine - right on the  Canadian border, where he has a short business project to take care of - I'll take my crocheting along (I'm working on a round tablecloth in fine thread - pineapple design) and wait in the car until he is done with his meeting - and then we'll start our weekend in  Blaine and work our way down back home.

Maybe we'll see a Kingfisher

Or a Heron fishing for dinner

Or a Dragonfly visiting a barn - probably not - too rainy.  Do dragonflies fly in the rain?

Or see Mt. Baker - though not likely - rain and clouds will keep her hidden all weekend - this may be one of the last summer photos of Mt. Baker for this year - any day soon now the snow will start. Mt. Baker is over 10,000 feet and snow falls early up there.

Or a heron gliding in for a landing

Or see the same Heron  looking like he's dancing when landing on a piling

Or maybe do something silly - like take pictures with Buddy E and a phone - whatever we do, I know it will be fun.   I'd better get a picnic packed - we might have to have a car picnic - but picnics in any weather always make the food taste better.

What fun things do you have planned for this weekend?


Smile It's Friday  


  1. Wonderful post! I was already happy, and am happier! :). Happy Anniversary to you and Don. (That is indeed an odd question that person asked.). Much better to view things the way you two do. To look for fun and happiness.

    Magnificent heron photo. Beautiful creatures. I adore them.

    Enjoy your rainy weekend. We are expecting lots of rain here too.. in the south of the Pacific Northwest. Lol

  2. Happy, happy anniversary! Roger and I met in October, too, We both had more miles on us than you two did, but it's been 32 great years.

    I worked with a woman with a perpetually happy attitude about everything and I'm pleased to say it rubbed off on me...

    The bird shots are great! I can almost hear the splash down of the heron fishing. Love the punkin fairy. We have fresh snow on the Olympics but it's often hidden these days. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. congrats on year 50!!! I think I have seen your blog before:) I love your pics:)

  4. I guess we picked a good weekend to go to Arizona for a football game. Glad we closed the windows before we headed south. - Margy

  5. you are such an inspiration to me...finding fun in the mundane! 50years is such a wonderful milestone. Congratulations. You two were young, we were barely 20 so we are going on our 40th next month. Seems much shorter than it sounds. Have a great, albeit rainy weekend. Love the heron shot...the end!

  6. WOW 50 years that is pawsome and your so lucky it's been fun fun fun, I really love your Heron pictures and the pumpkin fairies are soooooo cute.

    Thank you for joining in with "Smile it's Friday" hope you have a pawsome weekend xxxx

  7. We would have celebrated our 50th anniversary in August but I was off at the Jamboree with the Boy Scouts. I think we have celebrated the day more times apart than together. Great pictures.

  8. Congratulations on your anniversary. Beautiful pictures accompanying this post. The heron on the water is a fantastic shot.

  9. Happy Anniversary! Love your images of nature -- have a happy, joyful weekend! xo

  10. Congratulations for your 50 years, have a nice day

  11. I really enjoyed the pictures - what a nice variety! The silly one of the heron taking off and leaving just his/her tail and legs reminds me of those Halloween witch decorations where the legs are sticking out of all kinds of things!
    Congratulations on the wonderful years you've spent having fun with Don! Can't think of a better way to enjoy life!

  12. Well thanks dear for making getting up fun - forgetting the aches and stiffness - a lovely, happy morning! Your cheerful post, the sunshine pouring down on the front porch, and thoughts of the busy day ahead, kickstarted me and I 'm now raring to go!
    I love your 'love story' - you two are definitely special, yes, mothers are not always right!!!
    50 years is awesome - we are not far behind - I hope you are planning something very special for that celebration next year.
    Thanks for giving us the moon - sharing your awesome bird shots - and Mt. Baker is always beautiful to see and I still wish it was outside my window!!!

    Happy weekend - seems almost unneeded - I just know you two will make it that way come rain or shine!
    Hugs - Mary

  13. It's always so much fun reading about all the fun you two have! And BTW you've lasted 98x longer than your mother predicted!! Congratulations!

  14. Well Happy Anniversary to you dear lady!! And yes, that Heron shot was quite the capture. Have a wonderful (fun) weekend!

  15. Congrats on 49 years together! Sometimes the ones "that will never last" out-last all the others, LOL! And as for having fun all the time -- attitude is everything, isn't it? Life often is really what we make of it.

  16. That heron shot in flight is amazing! Congrats on outlasting your mom's prediction :)

  17. You two are truly truly blessed. I always marvel at the marriages where people DID find the right one and it is something that I never had but appreciate seeing! :) I see this with parents of one of my sons best friends, I see it with two of his closest friends that married each other...and both of those stories mimic yours....from High School Age on...but I don't see it too often and this is why I not only congratulate you I applaud your very lucky stars and am so happy happy HAPPY for you :) XX00 :)

  18. Congratulations, JoAnn! I love the story of how you met! It's so nice to hear that you are still having fun after all these years ( I know there is a song like that out there). Spending time together doing those simple things and making it fun just might be the key to a long marriage! Your photos this week are amazing! I love the action shots of the birds flying and feeding. I wish you many happy years ahead! Hugs xoxo


Thanks for stopping by for a visit - I always enjoy hearing from you!