
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

September Note Card Party

It is nearing Autumn now - our temperatures are cooler and the rains have come back.  Time to cozy up indoors with a good book, a quilt for hand quilting or some other wonderful indoor activity.  After a long and wonderful summer it will feel good to have a quilt across my lap and a cup of hot tea nearby.  Maybe get out some note cards and send a few to friends.

I have my note cards printed up each month and send them to friends - a nice way to stay in touch and share photos too.


  1. Very nice photos, the owl is just gorgeous! I had one fly out in front of me the other day!

  2. Your photos are great! I love the owl especially! You may want to read Bernideen's post (blog(dot)bernideens(dot)com - she had an owl in her backyard and got some good photos. I love your idea of printing them up and mailing them out!

  3. These are wonderful! Your captions are perfect. I like the pansy covered in dew, but they are all terrific!

  4. Very nice photos and your added touch to them..I too like to make cards. I occasionally hear owls but never see them..

  5. Well you are the first one I've heard that actually print the cards, but I think many should. These would certainly bring a smile and encouragement to your friends! Great idea.

  6. Great postcards, I love the owl.

  7. These are really beautiful photos for notecards. I love the pansy with the dew drops and the owl is pretty cool to see. I also make cards from my photos for family and friends birthdays. It saves a lot of money. :) Pamela

  8. Your note cards are very nice, the owl was a great capture to share.

  9. Oh, I DO need a hug from those precious bear and that dollie! How cute that one is! And the others are beautiful for cards, too! Great selections!

  10. I am lovin' all these great photos...great cards.

  11. These are wonderful. I love how you made each one a little special. You have inspired me. Great cards

  12. CUTE!!!!!

    That owl pic is absolutely amazing.

  13. These will make wonderful images for note cards. The owl is so right for this season - he's fluffy and cute, as are the stuffed animals in the last photo. Yes, autumn is here.

  14. Tell that handsome owl that my birthday is Halloween and I am an owl person too.

  15. I am loving that owl! Wonderful photos for note cards!

  16. these are all lovely, and the owl is to cute, I make my own cards too much more fun than buying them.

  17. These are all great note cards! I love the idea that you print them out as a way to stay in touch with friends!

  18. What a great idea to print your pictures & share with friends! Thanks for sharing!


  19. It's lovely to get a note from a friend! How nice that you send pretty note cards to people!

  20. Great cards! I love your captions and they make great gifts. Stopping by from Notecard Wednesday party. Take care!

  21. I love the owl card. You did a great job- these are perfect notecards. Love that you added comments to each card. I had not thought of that. Great idea.

  22. Wow... Jo Ann you really did a nice job on these. Very well done!

  23. Hello Jo Ann

    Your owl birthday card is fun - great for little ones too!

    The "dew" viola card is very sweet - you're so good with words!

    Love them all!



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