
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I've Looked At Clouds

This area of NW Washington is mountainous, coastal, valleys and plains - we have clouds that change with the terrain.  These photos were all taken on the same day - while on a drive of about 60 miles round trip.

Clouds gathering over an old barn

A rain shower that never reached the ground

I've looked at clouds from both sides now

Clouds show some wind action

From up and down, and still somehow
It's cloud illusions I recall

High rainstorm and misty clouds

Puffy white clouds above, dark rainclouds below

Bright blue skies and white clouds


Puffy and broken up

Gathering over the  hills

The clouds change in a minute

Sitting atop the hills

Puffy and circling

Smudged by winds

I caught a crow flying - in the upper left corner

More crows as they fly home for the night

I really don't know clouds at all.


  1. Love, love, love that song, and Joni Mitchell,and love your photos too.
    Joy x x

  2. Beautiful! I love those cloudy skies, too.

  3. I love watching the clouds and keep intending to learn what the various formations are called: cumulus, stratocumulus, cirrus, cirrostratus. I have a little Audubon pocket guide to clouds and storms that's been ignored too long.

  4. Great use of Joni Mitchell's lyrics. Amazing pictures of clouds. They're so artistic.

  5. I've just published a skies post too! Love yours.

  6. Wow! Clouds are entertaining and beautiful!

  7. fantastic range of clouds, beautiful photos..Joni Mitchell that song takes me waaaay back ;-).

  8. Another cloud lover! I very much enjoyed this post!


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