
Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Lately I've been finding more horses in the fields.  Do they go someplace else in the summer?  Do people just have new horses now?  Whatever it is - I love getting a chance to see them.

Mother and baby

It was interesting how the wind would catch the mother's tail when she would flick it at flies

Then we came across these speckled horses and a big brown horse

I'd never seen speckled horses before.


  1. I think horses are some of the most beautiful living beings! Thanks for sharing your lovely photos!

  2. Olá Joahn, os cavalos são lindíssimos! Que belíssimo encontro! Em Portugal não é em todos os locais que também podemos vê.los, Talvez por serem animas que precisem de cuidados muito especiais;))! Abraço Ailime

  3. I adore those speckled horses JoAnn. I am not well up on horses and just wonder whether they could be palaminos.

  4. Maybe the spotty horse is a palomino although typically their spots are just on the rump. Or maybe there's a new breed of Dalmation horses, like the dogs!

  5. What a gift for you and now us with your divine horse photography ~ Love the Mama and baby ~ carol ^_^

  6. The above link to G+ is not working for some reason ~ so am re- commenting ~ What a gift for you and now us with your divine horse photography ~ Love them all ~ especially the Mama and baby ~ carol ^_^

  7. Beautiful horses and that colt is adorable. Great shots!

  8. So sweet that adorable colt staying close to momma. Great photos.

  9. The baby, or colt seems to be a mule. The leopard-spotted horses are appaloosas.They look like they are all enjoying a perfect day.

  10. I had the same thought as Debra - those spotted horses looked like Dalmations to me. But appaloosas?! Well, I've learned something. Sweet little colt, mule or not.

  11. Beautiful photos, JoAnn! That baby does appear to be a little mule and the speckled horses are appaloosas. I had a 'POA' (pony of America) when the kids were young. They were originally created from breeding an appaloosa with a Welsh pony. He was cream with red speckles. His name was Freckles. Your photos bring back good memories of this little guy.

  12. Beautiful horses, and the setting is lovely! I've never seen a spotted horse either!

  13. Look at that sweet soft brown baby with it's grey mare mommy- lovely pics.
    Mary X

  14. Was horse crazy as a your shot♫ My Waltz:

  15. LOVE these equine shots... I'm not totally sure, but I think Appaloosas can be spotted all over, not just their rumps... I'm so glad you came by to share on Rurality Blog Hop #33!


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