
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Heron - Of Course

Drayton Harbor - one of our favorite places to go on a sunny day, on a rainy day, on a warm day, on a cold day, on a windy day - one of our favorite places. 

If the tide is right - there are herons to be found

The problem is finding a place to pull over to safely get photos

This section of the harbor has narrow, twisty roads and almost no shoulder on the roads, so we count ourselves extremely lucky when the herons perch on rocks near a clearing where we can park.

As I zoom in on the heron I see that his coloring is darker than most of the herons that we usually see

He didn't seem too interested in fishing for dinner, perhaps he had caught his fill earlier

Something flew over and caught his eye

The feathers are beautiful

Now those sharp eyes are searching for food


  1. it seems almost magical to me that you can get so many shots of this wondrous bird! it seems every time I spot a blue heron that he's too far away for me to get such a shot as these. bravo!

  2. Marvellous photographs! The heroin is a beautiful bird.

  3. Wow! Absolutely fantastic photography of the heron ~ it would be one of my favorite places too! carol, xo

  4. They are magnificent creatures!

  5. Great capture of the heron, beautiful pic!...Christine

  6. Awesome photos! Thank you for being a part of "Oh, the PLACES I've been!"

    - The Tablescaper

  7. I think that heron was just hanging around, thoughtfully contemplating life.

  8. Great captures!
    The two towards the end with captured eye are really nice shots!
    And yes, what a wonderful array of feathers.

  9. Such lovely looking birds, have a great weekend.

  10. great focus and details, love all the sharpness and textures

    I'm inviting you to join us for Travel Photo Mondays, the link runs all week so I hope you can join us for the next installment?

  11. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful bird. I love the blue water in the background.

  12. Hi,
    Great pictures, you gotta wonder how those skinny legs can hold up such a big bird.
    Your tea party pictures are pretty in the last post down. Such pretty roses, and how nice that your friend could come visit.
    Nancy Jo

  13. Beautiful shots and reflections. The heron is gorgeous.

  14. Beautiful captures indeed ! You were lucky to find such a nice one.

  15. Beautiful photos of the heron. Like the one especially where is eye is very yellow.

  16. Wonderful detail of the tones and texture of this gorgeous bird's feathers, A great series of photos.

  17. Glorious pictures...beautiful bird...

  18. Gorgeous shots of this bird! How lucky that you could pull over and get a whole series of shots!


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