
Friday, August 23, 2013

Random Five Friday

This has been a great week

This week I - 

 1. Watched a heron - sitting on a fence

While he watched me

2. Took pictures of the geraniums on the deck 

3. Looked out my living room window at the early morning sunlight
This is the view I have when I'm at the laptop

4. Captured this happy little Black Capped Chickadee

Flitting about on the deck railing

5. Transplanted the nasturtium seedlings so the deck railing planters will have fresh flowers soon

6. Bake bread

And made jam  -  and ate bread and jam

7. Had a tea party

8. And watched a wonderful brown horse in a green pasture

Well that is way past five - but it was a very random week.

What have you done this week?



  1. What a nice week you've had! I enjoyed "hanging out" with you via your pictures.

  2. What a beautiful week! I love the little chickadee. Chick a dee dee dee! :). He's adorable.

    Lovely view from your laptop!

  3. Wow! A very productive week..

  4. Homemade bread and Jam...oh yum!
    What a delightful week to have enjoyed the birds, flowers, the food. Sweet Life!

  5. Hey JoAnn! I enjoyed sharing your week! Homemade bread and jam ~ you're awesome! Have a great weekend!

  6. What a wonderful week! I can practically smell that homemade bread with jam! Love the heron and the little chickadee. Great photos, especially the back lit nasturtium. Happy weekend! Hugs, xo

  7. Looks like a busy week, I just got given homemade vanilla strawberry jam I think it would go with you bread.

  8. Very productive - nothing like fresh bread and jam.

  9. Wow...I need some of your mojo... great post. Aloha.

  10. I got worn out just reading this. Love the little Chickadee.

  11. I was admiring the feathery softness of the chickadee and then got distracted by the homemade bread and jam!

    I hope you're enjoying your weekend.


  12. Love all these scenic elements in your week. The horse looks grand in his green world and the little chickadee is a cutie.

  13. Wow, that bread and jam looks so good!!!

  14. you had me at baked bread!

  15. You had a marvelous week. From Mother Nature to tea. I love herons, horses and tea. The jam -- looks delicious. Wish I had your energy! Great 5.

  16. Love your heron. You have been a busy girl. The bread and jam looks so yummy. My week has been mostly painting and playing catch up. Too many road trips has put me off schedule. Oh well that's what summer is all about. Pretty soon the rains will return and we all will be remembering the great summer we have had.

  17. All wonderful random things to be grateful for JoAnn. All lovely photos, but the horse won my heart. :)

  18. Love that little chickadee and now I am craving home made bread..I swear I can smell it : )


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