
Friday, August 16, 2013

Old Homestead

These old abandoned farms speak to me.  The memories they hold - the stories they tell.

It is good to be home - that trip to town was long and dusty, but the money from the eggs and butter will certainly help out.  Perhaps now you could make those new curtains that you've been wanting.

We need to keep up the repairs around the farm first, or one day things will be in ruins

Fences to mend, my dear, and roofs to repair

The tin on that chicken house needs repairs - money is better spent on chicken coops than fancy curtains

Besides, I won't have time for sewing fancy curtains, I have to help the boys stack the wood for winter - it will be here soon and the rain will be chilly, we'll be glad for a warm fire then.

You've been working so hard in the garden, have the children pitched in to help?  

Oh yes, Jimmy saw a raccoon a fixin' to feast on the corn - he made sure that raccoon wouldn't be back, the boys are a lot of help to me.  And Stevie can pull weeds almost as fast as I can now - he says when he is 7 he will be faster than I am, and I believe him.

I saw a hawk overhead - best watch those chickens closely, we need the egg money.

The mustard has gotten into the hay field - we'll be out there pulling mustard for a week.

Come and sit beneath the tree - things don't seem so hard after a cold glass of buttermilk and some raisin cookies.  The kids will see us here and come to join us, before they scamper off to the fields again.  I baked these cookies early, a'fore the kitchen got too hot.

I wish I could get you a slip of that pretty lilac bush over at the Hamilton's - it would pretty up the yard for you and smell sweet in the spring time.  

Perhaps after the haying is done.  Don't fret yourself none.

I have the daisies over by corner of the house - they cheer me so.  When I'm done with the canning I think I'll dig a few and put them out front by the post box - it is nice now that the mail is delivered right to our house instead of having to make an extra trip into town.

It is nice, do you think we'll get a letter from Great Aunt Myrtle soon? She promised to write when she got back east for her visit.

Susie saw a crow on the fence today - she says it is good luck to see a crow - but not if it wants to eat the corn or the apples.

Looks like a good apple year.

Cider, apple crisp, applesauce, apple jelly from the peelings.

It all sounds so delicious

It sounds like a lot of work for me and the girls -   we'll make a party of it and celebrate with baked apples and apple fritters for dinner.

The new shed will be a great place for the garden tools

It is good and sturdy!  Will last a lifetime.

A farmer needs a good silo - with all the help from the neighbors ours went up in record time.

It will stand for years - Jimmy and Stevie will be using it long after we are gone.

It thrills me how this farm will pass from generation to generation.  our great grandchildren will run in these fields.

One day you will have those new curtains - I promise

Before the daisies hide the post box - I'll get you that fabric.


  1. JoAnn - this is utterly charming and catches just right how hard they worked in those days and how short money was. I know it was the same here with the farmer's grandparents. Although of course we still work very hard, with all the modern machinery at our disposal and a bit more money too - we do have it so much easier than they did don't we.

  2. Sweet. If walls could talk. We have a lot of old homesteads like that around here. Hate to see them go.

  3. It is so hard to be struggling in the city and see those farms going to waste.

  4. Love the tour and so happy to see the daisies! Don't you just love them?

  5. Oh, sweet whispers in the wind! Kinda gives me a catch in my throat to think of the hardworking farm couple and all their hopes and dreams. So sad to see the old farmstead end up that way. Your story is so poignant and lovely. Hugs, xo

  6. Enjoyed your post ever so much. That house looks just exactly like both my grandparent's homesteads. One of them burned down and I still visit the bear spot with the oak tree. The farm was named Lone Oak Farm. Your post brought back so many memories. Thanks.

  7. What a wonderful little story! Enjoyed it thoroughly. How I'd love to LIVE in a place like that!

  8. This is just charming as can be JoAnn. I love taking my pics and weaving a story around them - you do it so well. Yes, life was hard for those farmers, mostly emigrants starting a new life with very little, and hoping to support their precious families. Maybe I should consider watching Little House On The Prairie again - all of today's kids should!

    Love the daisies, and would love to know the history of that little house!

    Hugs - Mary

  9. Wonderfully thought-provoking post! And great photos too!


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