
Friday, June 7, 2013

Personal Photo Challenge

Today is a challenge for photographers.  Donna, at Cottage Days and Journeys, challenges us to take three photos of a subject, and change our perspective in each photo.  It seems like a good challenge, and made me look at my subjects in a new way.

It also made me think of collages - and to look at collages in a different way too.

On a drive in the country we came upon a farm we hadn't seen before.  The weather was perfect - the light wonderful - and there was a small pond.

I liked the reflection in the pond

And the buttercups in the field behind the pond  

And  beyond the pond - the barn with the field of buttercups.  The fences seemed not to be very sturdy - but they kept the horses in the pasture.  

And then there were horses in the field of buttercups - so I couldn't resist 

At first when we approached the field - the horse was interested in what we were doing

But soon went back to his snack

Then he came around the corner of  bush and looked up to see what we were doing.

All photos were taken with a Canon PowerShot SX30 IS - some I used the auto setting - and for the horse, because he kept moving and shaking his head, I uses the action/sport setting.  The camera has zoom to 140X, making it easy to get close-ups.

Scenic Weekend  


  1. In a setting like this, one gets the more complete story of place by using the multiple perspectives. Lovely spot on earth and great photos.

  2. I like how you showed a bit more beyond the pond in each photo. Who can resist capturing horses when the opportunity presents itself. Nice looking one and love the field of buttercups.

  3. Oh, I love each of these pictures! It's nice seeing different perspectives.

  4. JoAnn, these are such beautiful pictures! I love them all. Wonderful!!

  5. Nice pictures ! The barn looks awesome, well done. Very "bucolique" as we say in French.

  6. Usually I like close ups best but I love the full view with the beautiful red barn! Very nice photography!

  7. Beautiful summery photos. Lovely reflection in the pond.

  8. What a wonderful visit through the countryside.

  9. yes, as Vee said, your photos are totally different in what they include. Amazing when you think of what we don't see (the rest of the story) in photos that are carefully taken and then possibly cropped. Have a nice weekend!

  10. This is a great series to show perspective...such beautiful scenes and I love the curious horse. What a pretty little farm! xo

  11. What a beautiful collection of photos! I love that red barn in the one,,,you should check out Barn Charm. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Bravo! What a great job at taking the challenge to heart. I am always happy to hear that a particular challenge has made a participant think differently about their photographic approach. And I'm so glad that you brought up the idea of how to best use the concept for collages. Your photo examples are spot on, and the use of a general background shot as your bottom layer is brilliant!

  13. Fields, flowers and've got My attention! Love the shots!!

  14. These are phenomenal! Such beauty you're surrounded by. :)

  15. What a great way to tell a story, to go from the detail shot to the grander perspective. The calm pond with the reflections is so beautiful. Great job!

  16. Great shots! And a really great capture of the horse...very cute peeking around the bush!


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