
Monday, June 3, 2013

Catching The Light

Nothing catches the light quite like crystal dishes

I got this set of serving bowl and four footed berry bowls at a yard sale - for 4.00 for the whole set

Tiny bouquets add so much to a table setting - this one is in a crystal salt shaker

Add a yellow plate and the crystal sparkles even more

The little blue/green crystal vase is a gift from my good friend Julee, and is fast becoming one of my favorites.  It goes so well with so many different flowers.

I look for tiny crystal vases whenever I am at thrift stores

Bouquets always brighten my day.  I've had a lot of pansy bouquets this spring.  


  1. What gorgeous glass! I love cut crystal! So classy!

  2. I love crystal too JoAnn and yet somehow it seems to have gone out of fashion - that is all to the good as it makes it more reasonable to buy in antique shops! I love pansies too and always have a few pots around in the Summer - their colours are so clear.

  3. Oh this reminds me of my Mom. She had full sets of these that my sis owns now. Don't worry I got her jewels.

  4. What a gorgeous collection you have, JoAnn! And they look so pretty on your crocheted tablecloth! The crystal vases really look lovely with your pansies and flowers. And your beautiful blue crystal vase is my favorite. So pretty xoxo

  5. Very lovely, JoAnn! Love this. And those pansies.... YUM. Gorgeous colors. Love the crystal, too.

    If I am MIA this week it is because I have to hunt for internet. I'm out of town, and I am at Barnes and Noble right now. Didn't want you to think I had dropped off the face of the earth.



  6. Lovely dishes! I love old (and new!) glass dishes. I have a lot that are packed up because I don't have a good place to display them.

  7. Love the range of blues you have shared with use.

  8. I love this table - it sparkles! The idea of the mini bouquets is great - so glad you shared at Tea In The Garden!

  9. I like crystal too, and likely for the sparkle effect. You picked up some nice pieces and for a really good price.
    The miniature bouquets are pretty.

  10. They do catch the light beautifully - love their marvelous detail - your photos are wonderful. I do appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,

  11. Your crystal is beautiful. I love how it sparkles in the light. The yellow plate does reflect the crystal wonderfully. ~Michelle

  12. Hello JoAnn,
    Your new find is fantastic! I love those little berry bowls. They would be so gorgeous out side at your tea time! Yay! When you can find beautiful things this inexpensive, your tea time table can be really elegant yet thrifty : ) That's my hope for my out door tea.

  13. What a beautiful collection of crystal! Gorgeous pictures! I have a new weekly link party which is live now and I would love if you stop by and link up this wonderful post! Hope to see you there! Hugs, Maria

  14. The crystal dishes look so lovely with the tiny pansy bouquets in them.

  15. Holy smokes Jo Ann, what a wonderful bargain you found. I love crystal, or glass or anything that sparkles and shines really. I think I may have been a magpie in a past Isn't it fantastic that the sun is finally shining? It'll make all that beautiful crystal sparkle even brighter. :) Hugs to you and have a lovely rest of the week.

  16. Oh, forgot to say, love the new collage in your header. :)


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