
Friday, June 7, 2013

A Favorite Thing

I love crows - they are funny and clever!!  

Here I am - I'll pose for you in front of this clover

Wait- maybe there is something to eat down here

Nope - false alarm

Don't  you think that the clover and grass sets off my shiny black coat?  I'm so handsome!!!

Indeed I am!

Ok - last pose - then if you don't feed me I'll fly away.


  1. Oh I am a bird watcher and admirer too! We have lots of crows and blackbirds, cardinals, goldfinches, blue herons, kingfishers and more! Our dog protects us from them and "barks them away." ;)
    Yes, shiny handsome coat!

  2. He is a handsome fellow! So nice of him to pose for you! Great shots! xo

  3. He is a very handsome fellow. I saw one in the field behind our house eating a watermelon someone had left for the squirrels. He was SO cute. I kept thinking how I wish you were there with your camera to zoom and take a wonderful shot of him.



  4. Your pictures are stunning! Not a feather out of place on this little guy and you captured that as if we could reach in and pet him! I love crows! There's just something so "substantial" about them!

  5. We have Carrion crows and Jungle crows here and they can be nasty and attack if they have little ones about. Thry also know how to open your backpack and steal your food.

  6. Great pictures! We have huge black birds, I always enjoy seeing them. I'm not sure if they're crows or not??? One day there were so many on the phone lines, it was like the movie The Birds! Wonder what had interested them?

    Happy weekend!

  7. I love crows! Super intelligent and charismatic as you say. Great photos here, and i love your captions! :). This guy has oodles of personality!

  8. I love crows, too! You got some great shots of this handsome fellow.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  9. Crows are so fascinating! You really captured this guy!

  10. I love crows too JoAnn - they are much maligned birds and it is sad because they are so clever. Here in the UK we have carrion crows, rooks, jackdaws and magpies, who are all members of the crow family. We have them all round about here.

  11. when I was a little kid ( REAL little...about or 3 ) a neighbor had a pet crow named "Blackie" :)

  12. I love crows but can't be too near. I was bombarded by ravens when I was a little girl and visiting the Tower of London and have never been able to be too close to them since. I do have a couple of jackdaws that come to visit my garden so I am gradually making myself be near but it may be a long.....time! Have a wonderful weekend. Chel x

  13. beautiful birds and they are very clever.


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