
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Spring Flowers

This time of year is so delightful - after a long winter of cold and rain, the flowering trees are bursting with color.  One of my favorites is the Tulip Tree - some dark pink, others pale pink, all beautiful.

There are more pale pink Tulip Trees around town, and they are just beginning to bloom.

Close up  you can see that it has recently been raining.  

The darker pink are a little behind the pale pink, but their buds are beginning to open  


And the pink Rhododendrons - the different colors open at different times, first the pale pink, next will be the red.

Soft and delicate, the blossoms stand up pretty well to our rainy weather.


  1. Älskar dessa vackra blommor tyvärr har de inte kommit så långt hos oss i Sverige, inte ens i Skåne detta år.(Can you have a tarnslate in your glogg???)
    Ha en fin vecka
    Kram Meta

  2. Wow!!! The trees here are still asleep! I love those tulip tree flowers, but I think your rhododendrons are my favourites!! I wonder why the different colours bloom at slightly different times...

  3. You tell those Rhodies and Azaleas to hold back a bit. I want to see them at their height next month :0)


  4. Tack för att du ville lägga dit översättningen. Jag är inte så bra på engelska( att skriva)nu kan du också läsa om jag skriver på Svenska.
    Och jag kan läsa din blogg i fortsättningen med,
    Ha en fin vecka
    Kram Meta

  5. Wow! So gorgeous. I love tulip trees, but I think we call them Japanese Magnolias here. And your rhododendrons look so much like our azaleas. GORGEOUS.



  6. Tulip trees are just heavenly. We stopped and took photos of one when I was going to the doctor on Monday. It was so pretty. The lady said it drops so much stuff on the ground that she is constantly sweeping to keep the yard clean. genie


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