
Friday, April 19, 2013

Random 5 Friday

Friday - Happy Friday - time for five random things about myself.

I grew up in this house in Sitka, Alaska.  My bedroom, at different times, was in the front left windows and the front right windows.  My dad remodeled a lot.

For Halloween one year I was a gypsy. We all were gypsies.  I'm on the left.

I once piloted this boat when I was 8 - not entirely by myself, it was great fun.  The boat is the Jenny and belonged to a family friend. (As I learned early - you pilot a boat - you drive a car)

This is our christmas tree when our kids were teens.  A  friend and I refinished the vanity and chair for my youngest daughter.  I bought it for 5.00 at a flea market and it was green and rusted - and a LOT of work.

I like purple houses. When I pass by, I can hear them singing.  Some of them just hum.

Random 5 Friday 


  1. Love the pictures. How very sweet and fun.
    Purple houses do sing. I have heard them.
    Pink houses giggle.

  2. I really enjoyed this post JoAnn!
    Looking back is always fun. I have quite a few pics of growing up but I realized I don't have one of me in a Halloween costume.
    The purple house reminded me years ago when we lived in VA a lady down the road lived in a very small house painted purple and she dressed entirely in purple.

  3. We have a purple house down the street. It's just perfect for the victorian style house.


  4. "I've never seen a purple house (or cow!), nor do I hope to see one..." you know the rest! (but they are so cute!)
    Love seeing the house in Sitka since I'm reading about it right now! So the school bus came for you right across the street? Good memories! Amazing how you bumped up from the D group all the way to A with no stops in between....someone wasn't "doing their homework" when they initially placed you...and it wasn't you!

  5. Loved your *looking back* five. You made a lovely gypsy. Nice memories and there is a purple house in my neighborhood. It always looks so happy!

  6. I enjoyed your five! How fun it is to look back and remember good times. Purple is my favorite color, but I don't think I've ever seen a purple house. The one in your photograph is lovely, and I bet it does sing!

  7. I really enjoyed your theme this week JoAnn. You and I must be about the same age as your photos remind me of my childhood growing up in Canada.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week. xo

  8. that is a gorgeous purple house. love that you help drive the boat. i bet it was a real blast. ( :

  9. Great post! So did that purple house in your last photo actually sing or hum?

  10. What a sweet house in Sitka! The style is like many of the houses in Port Angeles. And how lucky to have a chance to pilot such a big boat. Living in the land of lavender growing we have the odd lavender colored buildings, cars and etcs. around here. Some hum. Some are occasionally a little off key.

  11. What a cool house you grew up in! :) And it's ultra cool that you helped drive the boat. Fun! Love purple houses. I always think of purple tulips.

  12. Fun to see the photos of your past. Great memories.

  13. Very fun post! Love learning about other bloggers.

  14. Love your posts. I remember always dressing as a gypsy as a kid. Lots of colors and beads. Maybe that is the way we should always dress. It obviously appeals to some part of us.


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