
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Inspired By Sky

The sky in Washington is ever changing - sometimes several times in one day.  And always interesting.

Puffy clouds in a bright blue sky

Billowing clouds in the sky, hugging the islands just offshore from Bellingham

Skies full of hawks

And filled with the sights and sounds of thousands of Snow Geese that overwinter in this area

Close up of the flocks of Snow Geese in the  sky

Bare trees against the blue winter skies

Clearing skies after a rainstorm

Skies shining bright on the water

Skies aflame with sunsets

Skies that drop tons of snow on the ski resorts

Skies almost lost in the fog and snow 

The sky reflecting in a mountain lake

Sky and ocean viewed from the top of a mountain on Orcas Island

Summer sky through the leaves

Sky, mountains, meadow - perfect delight

Skies with clouds mimicking the shape of the trees

And you didn't think we'd be done before we had pictures of the sky above Mt. Baker, did you?

A sky full of clouds, parting to show a little of the back of Mt. Baker and the blue sky

Clear sky over the tip top of Mt.  Baker - next to the Sisters

Clear sky after dropping fresh snow on Mt. Baker

Little clouds in the sky - stopping by to say hello to Mt. Baker


  1. Visiting on my lunch break / all the pictures are wonderful but I especially love your snow geese photos!

  2. OHMYGOSH, these are fabulous. Love the sky full of geese. Great take on the prompt. Take care, Jen.

  3. It's snowing geese!
    Beautiful sky shots.

  4. These are really gorgeous pictures, JoAnn! I love seeing the snow geese -- they're amazing. What a beautiful place you live in!

    Visiting from Thursday's Inspiration -- have a great day. :)

    Denise at Forest Manor

  5. Beautiful photos! I love them.

  6. What a wonderful and beautiful selection of sky photos! I enjoyed each one of them. Have a beautiful day. Pamela

  7. Great shot of all the snow geese and so many different skies.

  8. Such magnificent photos and skies. I could never pick a favorite. I kept scrolling up and down. They're all my favorite. :)

    Joining you from LRH.

  9. My favorite here is when there has been a really heavy frost overnight and then the sun comes up and the sky is blue blue blue and everything twinkles in a thick coat of frost. The air is filled with tiny ice crystals and you feel like you are living in a snow globe.


  10. Hello JoAnn
    I'm so glad to meet another 'sky' addict!
    Your photos are wonderful and I especially love the one of the snow geese in detail and the Mt Baker shot.
    We've just had the most amazing nature documentary series on TV, following birds on their migrations - the snow geese were my favorites. Did you know they fly in family groups and the babies learn the path on their first flight! Incredible! Sadly we don't have them in New Zealand....
    Shane ♥

  11. WOW! It is beautiful there and your snow geese photos are amazing!

  12. Gorgeous photo of the snow geese, close up. So full of life. I like the Mount Baker photos, too - we can see Mount Baker from our island. Sometimes it looks closer than others. Always beautiful.

  13. Your skies are certainly ever changing. I love your shots of the snow geese, so beautiful and I bet the sound was deafening. Your shots made me feel as though I was there, thank you. And thank you for your lovely comment on my blog (it was a bit of a historical tour and I'm still getting over the creepy room in the Cromwell House!). Take care. Chel x

  14. Great shots, but the ones of the snow geese are jaw-dropping. What incredible numbers!

    I love sky-watching and you've caught many of the "moods" that I enjoy as they pass in front of the Olympic Mountains. Isn't it a treat to have such beautiful places to watch?

  15. Thank you so much for sharing your pieces of the sky at our ready to waltz party. My favorites are the ones with the snow geese, they are amazing. Once in while when I go to the beach, I never tired of watching the changes in the sky color, the patterns of the clouds and the flying patterns of the seagull, it feels like they are dancing :).

  16. Wow, the sky filled with those snow geese is amazing! All of the sky shots are wonderful.

  17. Dynamic photos♫ Love your 'Sky-capades'!My Waltz:

  18. Love your photo's. Felt like a mini vacation.


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