
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Rurality - #2

Sitting in a field - waiting for the next job to be done, a tractor can be very patient.

Sharing with Madge, of The View from Right Here 


  1. Love old tractors! It always amazes me that they are just left out to weather like that. I want to take them all home and give them some love. xoxo

  2. Wow! Great shot ~ just waiting for you ~ beautiful!

    Carol of (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  3. I'm always impressed when someone can take something that isn't conventionally "pretty" and turn it in to a beautiful scene that has a story with no words. i want to be on the tractor soaking up the sun, fresh air and smelling the grass. :)

  4. My farmer husband would love this photo. We have a couple of old tractors like this on the farm - and they do get up to jobs now and again in spite of their advanced age.

  5. LOVE this vintage tractor, reminds me of the one my dad built... Thank you for joining in 'Rurality Blog Hop #2' Hope to see you next Wednesday for #3...

  6. Love the photo of the old tractor JoAnn

    Have a good weekend

    x Fiona


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